January 31, 1961

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I woke up around 7:30 to help Mrs.Crushal. Grabbing my crutch, I tried to get to the kitchen as fast as I could. "Good Morning!" Mrs.Crushal said cheerfully. "Good Morning!" I replied. "What will be for breakfast this morning?" "Pancakes, Eggs, Bacon Biscuits and Sausages" Mrs.Crushal replied as she opened the fridges getting out the eggs. I grabbed the mixing bowl. Then I carefully at my cruch down and dragged my leg across the floor back to the counter. "So dear.. how did you sleep?" Mrs.Crushal asked while getting more materials out of the cabinets. "Same as always" I said. "You sound depressed dear. May some music help cheer you up?" She asked. "Sure. I got to radio!" I said. *crank* "She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes." "This song is so old!" I complained. "Music is timeless.. you'll learn to appreciate it" she said.

These pancakes were better then expected! The girls were munching them down. Gone in a snap. I usually never stay that long for conversations at breakfast. Hobbling back to the room, I got out my clothes to go take a shower. Being a bit disabled, showers were different. First I would put my crutches up against the closet, then put the stool in the middle of the shower. Then like so, I step into the shower and sit down fast, being careful not to slip. It was a hard enough process getting in. As I sit in the shower, I constantly trace my leg. Getting out of the shower, I place my good leg on the floor and hop. Once I'm dressed, I grab my crutch and go catch up with everyone else. The news was on the tv. I sat down while me and Amanda and a couple other girls sang flat foot flouge. "THIS JUST IN! A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM WHITE HOUSE!" The news reporter said. Then we all lined up to watch. Even Mrs.Crushal joined in all the hoopla. President and Mrs.Kennedy are looking to adopt a child. They will be going to various orphanages until they have found a child" said the news reporter. "HE COULD COME HERE!" screamed one girl. "I COULD BECOME THE PRESIDENTS DAUGHTER!" screamed another. "Girls! Calm down! He will probably find a child he wants before he even gets to here!" Mrs.Crushal yelled.

Later that day, all everyone was talking about was becoming Kennedys next child. "Lilly! You have to be excited! We all have the chance to have the president as our father!" Amanda said. "And I hope you do Amanda. I honestly could care less." I replied. Deep down inside, I would love to be adopted. But I know no one would adopt a disabled girl.

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