if only

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*Archie's POV*

I can't believe Valerie. She wants to break up because there's another guy that 'treats her better'. Are you kidding me? Just last week, I didn't let Jughead go to the football game with me because Valerie wanted to go with me. I told him that but he's still a little mad, we'd been planning to go together but I didn't wanna let down Val so she didn't do exactly what she's doing right now. I've also written like five songs about her and like four of those times she made me. Ugh, I'm just so mad, after everything I've done for her, the friends I've had to ditch for her (and she never did any of that for me) and now she does this.

Ugh. I feel so used.

*Cheryl's POV*

Ever since two weeks ago, my life has been terrible. Veronica lodge came to our school a few weeks ago and took my popularity and my friends right from under my feet. Worst. Year. Ever. My brother is lucky. He's a jock who also has a girlfriend and so many friends.

I hate seeing Archie Andrews around the school. It's not because I hate him, it's because I'm in love with him. We were friends at one point, for a few weeks. He's still friends with my brother but not me anymore. It hurts every time I see him, because I feel like I need him every time.

There's something about Archie. He's a playboy, I know, but what if one day he actually liked me and only me? My fantasies are just fantasies of course, but I like them. I'm just so annoyed, it's like... I'm in love with Archie but I should hate him. Yes there are many other people in the school to pick from, but I can't help who I like, and it's Archie. I know he love Valerie and wants her and needs her... and I'll never be her.

*Archie's POV*

I'm late. Dang it. Whenever anyone is late for lunch it's usually really hard to get a spot.

I run down the stairs and once I get to the bottom, I see there's no tables.

As I'm walking through, trying to find a spot, I see Cheryl, all alone. Since when is Cheryl Blossom an outcast?

Before I seen Veronica at 'Cheryl's place' at the table, I was wondering why Cheryl wasn't there herself. Now that I know why, I guess I'll sit with Cheryl. Maybe I can make her feel better.

"Hey Cheryl."

*Cheryl's POV*

When I heard Archie's voice I jumped a little. "Oh hi." I reply and look back down at the food that I probably wasn't going to eat.

After slightly slouching in my chair and trying to ignore Archie, I felt his hand on my shoulder and looked back up.

"Cher, tell me what's wrong? Is it Veronica new girl lodge taking over your friends?"

"Not just my friends, my brother too."

(Btw it y'all are confused Jason isn't dead in this).

"I'm sure Jason isn't just ditching you, he probably just doesn't know that Veronica took over."Archie says and sits across from me.

His words are encouraging, and make me feel slightly better, but hey, that doesn't mean I wanna get involved with him. Everyone says he's a playboy. Everyone. He should stop doing that, because I don't want to be in love with him if he's like that, but I can't help it.

It's just sad honestly. That I can like some one like that.

*Archie's POV*

She's so pretty, and kind, and deserves so much better than how her life is going for her right now, that's my honest truth.


Valerie just broke up with me yesterday, but I think I like some one else. I've always liked Cheryl, even though I've dated other girls. I've like her since like eighth grade.

If only she knew I loved her.

*Cheryl's POV

If only he knew I loved him.

*Author's note*
      Heyyy! I really hope you guys are enjoying this first chapter and I hope you'll like the future chapters! Please comment what you think!! Also please follow my Instagram @:pollyblossoms because it'll let you know when I update and I will make special edits based off of the book! Xx

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