you're not alone

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*Cheryl's POV*

It's been two days since we talked. Since I talked.. to Archie.

*Archie's POV*

"So dude, what's with you and Cheryl?"

"What do you mean Reggie?"

"Don't try to act like you don't know, Andrews. Cheryl told Jason."

"We didn't do anything. We just talked at lunch, and I walked home with her after school that day. It's been three days and we haven't talked so I don't think it was anything, even though I kind of like her.... oops forget the last thing I said there."

"You like her? You like Cheryl? That's dumb man, Cheryl is a horrible person, she stopped being friends with us just because Veronica came to our school."

"Shut the hell up Reggie! You're completely wrong about that!"

"Geez dude calm down, I mean if she wants to join us again then we'd be cool with her again you know? But she shouldn't leave us because of v being slightly cooler than her."

"Reggie! Cheryl told me that when Veronica came she told Cheryl to back off and Cheryl didn't listen but eventually you guys started all ditching her and she couldn't sit with you guys in the cafeteria because Veronica took her spot there."

"Oh. Wow. I didn't know. Maybe I should tell Jason about that."

"Ok, thanks reg."

*Cheryl's POV*

I walk into my house, sighing as a I put my bag down for a moment. After a little break, I pick it back up and bring it to my room.

Suddenly I realize, for once I don't hear another girls voice! Jason is alone for once, maybe he'll actually pay attention to me now!

"Can I come in there?" I say after going to his room and knocking.

The door opens and I see my brother. "Yep, come in Cher."

"Ok, so Jason, can we talk?"

"Yeah actually we can. Reggie told me that, Archie told him that you feel left out of our group."

"You think I only feel left out? Everyone ignores me now, and I can't sit with you guys, go hang out with you guys, of course I feel left out!!!"

"Cheryl, I'm sorry, I know you think Veronica took over, but I think she's annoying and you're much better than her."

"Thanks jj, but you're just saying that because you're my brother. Of course you like me more, but what about all of the others? What does Veronica have that I don't?"

I'm so annoyed by Veronica. Is it because she's rich because I'm rich too. Is it because she's pretty because I'm pretty too. Is it because of the way she dresses, or does her hair?

"Nothing, Cheryl. I promise you'll be part of our group again, I promise. Reggie even said he feels bad about it, and that's saying a lot for Reggie."

I laugh, because it's true, that is saying a lot for Reggie, and then I give Jason a hug and go back to my room.


It's the next day. Today I still have to sit alone, because they haven't got me back in the group yet.

Archie came to the table again, to my surprise. It's been 4 days.

"What took you so long to come back to the loser table?" I joke.

"Sorry Cher, I was practicing music the other days with Josie and them, but I'm here now!!" He laughs. "In all seriousness though, I'm sorry I wasn't here for you. Just know that even when I'm not here... I'm still here, if you know what I mean.

You're not alone."

*Authors note*
Hey! I really hope you all enjoyed this one! They're getting even cuter together, right? I think so. Anyway, next chapter will be a really good one for Cheryl&Archie moments! Chapter four is also a great one. Also, make sure to check out the edit at the top! It's ma cherarchie edit 🤙💕

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