What just happened?

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   "Wake up... beautiful."
A deep voice said over me. I moved my body so I was face to face,  body to body,  with its.  I could tell it was a man.  I stared into his eyes.  They where blue. The color blue you would imagine in winter. I could tell that they have seen horrible things by the way his eyes looked so experienced. They seemed dark. Very dark. smoky ring around them.
  His mouth also seemed a bit to red.  Then I noticed that the sides of him mouth had been cut a little bit and had stitches on them. 
   He showed no signs of confusion as I looked ready to fight. "Go To Sleep" he said roughly. He lifted his knife above his head ready to strike. 
I just looked at him and from under the covers i brought up my knife. A switch blade knife to be exact. "I don't think so." I said as i pushed him with my feet. He went falling backwards and fell on my vanity and broke the mirror and  the picture of my mother who died a year ago.
He just got up and keep trying to fight. 'He's got balls for sure.' I said to myself as he came running at me. I dodged him and his knife only grazed me upperarm slightly.
     "Alex, is everything ok?" I heard footsteps down the hall from my dad.
"Shit!" I said. I looked back to see where the intruder was.... He was gone.
   I opened my bedroom door to see my father's face." Yea everything's fine, why?" I asked.
   " I heard a crash and thought to check on you" he said.
"Oh...." i tried to come up with a lie from the top of my head. " oh. I tripped. Not a big deal"  I didn't want him to know about an imposter in my room. For some reason. And I made sure he didn't see my left arm that was bleeding.I didn't want him to worry about me any more than he already had today.
  "Ok well I was just checking. So goodnight Alex.."
" night" I said as I closed the door and locked it again. I walked over to the picture the person had broke, and I picked it up and put it on my mirror.
  I kissed 2 of my fingers and paid them on the broken glass of the frame.  I miss her.

I went back over to my bed and that's when I was a peice of paper folded in half. 'GIRL' was printed on it is black markedlr. It read
" ' Girl. I will come back for you.' " and that was it.
' That guy is way to desperate' i though to myself .
I went and laied back down on my bed to try and get some sleep but before that my mind was blank and only one question was left on my mind. "What Just Happened?"

I have no one else (Jeff The Killet × reader)Where stories live. Discover now