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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson

PLEASE BE MINDFUL THAT CHAPTER 6 IS BEFORE CHAPTER 5 (IDK WHY SORRY) SO WHEN YOU GET TO CHAPTER 4 MAKE SURE YOU DONT READ CH 6 INSTEAD OF 5 ________________________Heres the prologue yay! (Most of this story will be in Louis' POV btw) all songs are on the side!

"The best thing about tonight is that were not fighting,

could it be that we have been this way before?

I know you don't think that I am trying.

I know you're wearing thin down to the core..

But hold your breath because.."

"Ugh!" I yelled. I cannot figure out the chorus for the life of me. I grabbed my school bag knowing that my mom would be yelling at me to get downstairs soon enough-

"LOUIS!" and there she was.. I quickly put on my blue daisy flower crown from my bedside table and ran downstairs, not forgetting to grab an apple on the way. I had to make sure I ate something before school because getting shoved around and beaten up by Harry and his gang of populars was not good on an empty stomach.

Getting beaten up was a pretty normal thing for me. I never understood why they did it though. My best friends are both girls, Haylee and Victoria. They say its because I'm unique but I think I know why. I mean what kind of teenage guy wears flower crowns and is openly gay? Apparently not a normal one.

My mum sighed as she saw me walk through the door. She never was fond of my whole gay and flower crown thing but she says she loves me just the same. I really don't believe that, though. Its not that I don't want to believe it, Its just that she hasn't had a normal conversation with me since I told her I was gay. Its upsetting, I know. I'm still the same person but somehow I know she doesn't believe that.

I had been thinking so much I didn't even realize I was already at school. Yes, I do walk to school still because I cant afford a car. Its stupid, really. I mean what kind of 17 year old doesn't have a car!? I sighed as I walked through the large gates of the high school, ready to be called as many names as the kids could think of. I tried to ignore the small pushes and names like,



'Gay boy'

they were annoying but didn't hurt as bad compared to what Harry will say to me when he sees me. Most of the people here did verbal abuse but when it came to Harry he hurt me in any way possible. I looked around and tried to find Victoria and Haylee, they were my only friends in the entire school. I saw them at the other side of the school probably talking about some band they love that I don't even know the name of. Okay, new goal Louis, get to the other side of the school without running into Harry. And go! I didn't even think before I started running through the hallway dodging people left and right. It may seem like I was over reacting but I was very small and I couldn't defend myself if Harry decided he wanted to punch me today. I kept running and soon enough I ran into something hard. Wait that's definitely not a wall, this has abs and-

"What do you think you're doing, Faggot?!" -oh.

"I-I. I'm s-sorry, Harry! I really am! Please don't hurt me, I swear I didn't mean it!" I cried. Wow. Im such an idiot I cant even stand up for myself.

"Oh I'm not gonna hurt you, faggot." wait, what. "but that flower crown you got there is real pretty, huh?"

oh god no. He reached over to me and grabbed my flower crown before I could do anything. I spent three hours on that! I wanted to cry and run away and never come back because people were watching and laughing and just why did everyone do this to me? I'm just so done. He threw it on the ground in front of him and started to stomp on it.

"This is for the fact that you will never be loved." 1 stomp.

"This is because you're a faggot" 2 stomps.

"This is because you're a stupid little mommas boy" 3 stomps.

"This is because you're never going to grow old and have a family to love you." 4 stomps

"no kids" 5.

"no wife, cause you're a fag." 6.

"nothing, nobody." 7,8,9,10.

"What happened to my best friend?!?" I yelled.

And then I ran. I ran because he was right. Nobody would ever love me. I do still live with my mom and rely on her for a lot. I am gay and different. No, I will never have a wife because of that. And yes, Harry used to be my best friend.

So this is the Prologue! I hope you like it!! -V. xx

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