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I know i was supposed to update the 25th but my computer crashed! Im so sorry! Oh gosh i apologize so much during this story haha.

Oh and by the way


now here is the chapter i have been promising! It's kinda short but i'm saving alot of stuff for the near future so dont fret young grasshoppers XD

-V xx


Walking into Harry Styles' bedroom was something I never thought I would do again.

It looked almost exact to how it was the last time I was here, it's so hard to believe that was 4 years ago.

The walls were still painted a light blue color, I remember the day he chose that color. I was twelve and he was eleven, we were at the hardware store with his mum and he decided that he was tired of his forest green walls, so he asked me what color I would choose. I said light purple and his response was,

"No way! I'm not a girl, Lou!"

I remember lying in bed that night, wondering why boys couldn't like purples and pinks. It didn't matter what color I liked, right? I was still a boy, I had thought.

Oh, if I had only known.

The only difference in Harry's room now, was the pictures on the walls. The frames that once held pictures of us throughout the years were gone, replaced with Football trophies and awards.

Harry's slow voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Your stuff goes in here," he pointed to the bottom draw of a dresser, "you'll be sleeping on the couch" He explained, his voice held no emotion.

"T-the couch?" I responded. He expected me to live an entire 3 weeks on a couch?! How crazy is this guy!

"Yes, T-the couch," He mocked, "I can't have your gayness rub off on anything else,"

"Oh," Is all I said before I scurried down to the living room. Past all of their family portraits, some of which I used to be in but were probably taken down by Harry's demand.

I sat down on the couch, looking over at the time and noticing it was already half five. A little nap couldn't hurt, right? Before I knew it, I had drifted off into a nightmare filled sleep.


"Harry, no! Please don't leave me! I'm still Louis I swear! I'm still the Louis you bake cookies with every Sunday and tell stories with! Harry, no!"

"No you're a faggot! You like boys! And you wear girly clothes and flower crowns!"

"I'll change! I can wear boy clothes and play with trucks and things! I'll change for you!"

"No Louis! You're a faggot!"

The silhouette of a young Harry was fading away, replaced by an older Harry.

"Faggot! Faggot!" He chanted, smirking devilishly.

"Harry, please," I whimpered.

"Don't go, Harry."



"Louis, c'mon!"



I woke up to see green eyes blinding my vision. I'd know those eyes anywhere.


"W-what?!" I shot up, bumping Harry's forehead with mine in the process.

"O-oh gosh! I'm sorry!" I croaked out, he's going to kill me.

"You're lucky I'm tired or I'd be beating you to a pulp right now. You woke me by screaming my name." He smirked and I gagged.

He thought I was having a fucking wet dream about him?! Oh yeah, in his dreams!

"S-sorry. Nightmare." I whispered. Now he's going to think even lower of me, how great.

"About me?" His eyes widened. Why was he surprised?

"Uhh yeah..?" I replied, does he not remember that he's my bully? Of course I have nightmares about him!

"Oh, um, okay. Well go back to sleep, I don't want to hear you again." He stated and walked back upstairs.

How strange.

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