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Im back yayy! haha enjoy! :)

Louis' POV~

"Louis? Louis, sweetheart, I know you can do this. Please wake up, hun."

I tried, I really did. It seems as though i've been stuck in this eternal darkness for ages. But I just simply can't escape. Its like wearing a shirt thats secretly way to small for you, and then at the end of the day you try to take it off and your head gets stuck. So you basically have a full blown panic attack until you get it off.

Well just picture that feeling, being stuck and feeling like theres no escape. But picture it all the time, no matter what, thats what i felt. Suffocation, darkness, loneliness.

I tried to think happy thoughts, like the day me and Harry first met, or when that girl in middle school told me I was ugly and I cried on his shoulder the entire night while he played with my hair and told me I was perfect just the way I was.

It was all platonic at first, the silly touches and kisses on the cheek. That was until I started feeling more. He would look at me and I would get butterflys, the little touches would send tingles down my spine.

I guess thats when I knew I wasn't straight.

So I told Harry, I told him everything. How i felt about him. How i was obviously gay. And then he shunned me, he totally blocked me out. He got knew friends, straight friends. Thats when the bullying started.

So with those thoughts, I tried with everything I had to escape. To prove to Harry that the little boy with the flower crowns was stronger then he thought. That he may be physically strong, but mentally I am the strong one.

And with that thought in my mind, I opened my eyes.


bright and white

Thats all I could see and to be honest, it hurt like hell. I covered my eyes with both of my hands and heard someone gasp from the other side of the room.

"Louis!" It was a womans voice I believe, that or a very womanly man, "Oh, honey. I'll get the other nurse. Stay with me, okay?"

I groaned and tried to sit up, only to be pushed down again.

"Listen, hun," What's with the pet names? "I know it hurts to open your eyes but you have to do it, you'll get used to it in a minute. It only hurts because you've been out cold for an entire week."

A week?!? That's insane! What about school? I'm gonna have so much work to make up!

Right as I was thinking that, what I assumed was the other nurse, walked in.

"Ahh, Mr. Tomlinson. Nice of ya to join us again! How're you feeling?" Like you care. I thought but simply responded with an "Better" and a friendly smile.

"Im glad, you see after Mr. Styles," I cringed at the name, "almost killed you, we sent him to the police and he explained that he is being treated for having anger issues. He told us the whole story. How you and him are very angry at eachother for something. We asked him what it was but he wouldnt tell us, so we gave him 30 days to let us know. If after that 30 days he doesnt have a good answer, then he will be charged with harrasment and physical abuse. I understand that you have a project with him that is due in 30 days as well, correct?"

Holy shit. I completely forgot about that! And I have been out for a week already! That means we have only three weeks to write a fucking song.

"Yes, yes I do." I responded, slowly sitting up.

"Well considering all thats happened, would you like a new partner? Your teacher understood and said it would perfectly fine."

HOLY FUCK YESYESYES! my mind screamed at me.

But for some odd reason all that came out of my mouth was, "No, I can handle him."

What?!? Why the fuck did i just say that? Of course I want a new partner! I cant live with Harry Fucktart Styles for a whole month!

But before I could respond, she had left and in came my Mum and Victoria and Haylee.

Even though i was mentally killing myself for saying that to the nurse, I couldn't help but smile as the three walked in. They're all i have left and im so grateful to have them in my life, even if my mum still doesnt agree with me being gay.

Victoria and Haylee were immediately at my side, bombarding me with questions about how I felt.

"Im fine! Im fine!" I chuckled at how worried they were. They both stood in the same position, hands on there hips.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You, mister," Haylee pointed at my chest,"agreed on living with Harry Styles for a month! And you were given the choice! You couldve got a new partner, Louis!" I saw my mom silently agreeing in the corner and I rolled my eyes.

"Listen, I can take care of myself. I'm smarter then him, no need to worry."

She sighed and nodded, and then her eyes widened, like she just remembered something very important.

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot, Victoria can you go sign him out? You need to drive him to Harrys house."

Victoria nodded, running out to the lobby so she could sign me out.

"Wait, what?!? Im going today?! I haven't even packed yet! Are you crazy?! What are y-"

"HUSH CHILD" she yelled and I flinched.

"Sorry, but I already have your stuff packed and Victoria will be driving you there because I have to go back to class."

"And I have to get back to work, hun. But I hope you feel better, i'll see you tomorrow." My mum got up and kissed me on the forehead while I just waved to her in response.

Victoria came back about five minutes later, "Sorry guys, there was a bitch in the lobby. Don't worry, I told her off."

We both chuckled, typical Victoria.

"Alright LouLou, come with meeee!" She yelled and sprinted away. I laughed and slowly got up from the bed.


Im skipping over the car ride bc lazy.)

The car ride took about a half an hour, and then we pulled into the driveway of a house that i never thought I would see again.

I kissed her on the cheek and waved goodbye, but not before she gave me a lecture on being safe and whatnot. I told her i would be fine and walked up to the door, suitcase in hand.

I knocked three times before the mahogany wood door opened and there stood Harry Styles, looking fine as ever with no fucking shirt on.

"H-hi" I stuttered out, looking at the ground.

"Ahhh, Louis Tomlinson. Come inside! My moms not going to be here for three weeks. Buisness trip, sorry. But on the bright side, we have the whole house to ourselves. Ain't that lovely?" He whispered in my ear.

Oh shit.

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