heal part 1

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y/n was still dazed by everything around her, she asked for her room and privacy. miss peregrine led her up the stairs, her room was across the hall from a door that was a paler white than all the others. y/n furrowed her eyebrows at the weird door, but got into her room and closed the door after her.

she sighed. the room was spacious. there were empty shelves, a desk, a bed and a closet. there was also a large window with a wide-enough windowsill to sit on from which the bright summer sun light shone down from.

y/n placed her suitcases down on the floor and sat on the bed with flowered covers. this was all a new start for her, a new life. new people, new things happening, new secrets, anything new.

she had been asking for something like this, but did she want it now? she didn't know. god, she needed to go back, get out of here.

but mother had said this is the safest place there will be. i wonder - what did she mean by that?

there was a knock on y/n's door. she sighed again. "come in." she called out.

the door was hesitantly opened by a teenage boy with dark hair. he partly came into y/n's eyesight. he also had dark eyes, but his skin was pale as paper. his face held a gloomy grimace, the one that makes you feel sorry for the person even if you don't know the reason.

y/n stretched her dress out and looked at the boy. "hi." she said with a sigh.

"hullo." he said. "i, uh-i'm enoch." he introduced himself. "you must be y/n."

"yes, that's me." y/n said.

"n-nice to meet you." enoch said. "i heard that you, uh... that our 'peculiarities' are very similar."

"oh." y/n said. "who did you hear that from?"

"miss peregrine, of course. she knows everything."

y/n opened her mouth to ask how did the lady of the house know everything, but then left that question for later. she had a tiny bit more important one on her mind.

"how much exactly are our... powers different?" y/n asked enoch.

"well... miss peregrine didn't tell me what you can do." enoch stated. "but i can take one's life and give it to another."

"oh." y/n's eyebrows raised. that's a creepy... peculiarity or something. "so you can make... the dead alive again?"

"you could call it that, sure." enoch grinned a little. "but what can you do?"

"i can..." y/n sighed. she had never told anyone about her power this directly. "i can heal anything, anyone, if i want to."

"how exactly?" enoch squinted his eyes as if to see and know more about y/n.

"with my... hands." she furrowed her eyebrows.

"can you show me?"

"is there anyone hurt?"

"hold on." enoch said and went out of the room. where was he off to? he returned a few minutes after with a bird in his hands. "here."

enoch walked over to y/n and stood before her while giving her the bird. when it landed in her hands, she saw its wing was broken. her face saddened.

enoch sat next to y/n on the bed, a little too closely for y/n if she would notice, and looked at her. she examined the bird and then took it closer to her face.

y/n held the broken wing between her fingers and closed her eyes. she placed a kiss on the bird's head, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. a few seconds passed with y/n healing the bird and enoch intently and curiously watching her.

y/n took the bird away from her and brought it before her enoch, a little further up in the air. the bird shook its head and swung up into the air. it was flying again.

y/n smiled and looked over at enoch. "that's how i do it." she was proud and it left enoch still curious, but also amazed.

"that's... amazing." he said. y/n blushed a little.

"thanks." she said.

enoch cleared his throat as the tension between them became awkward. "anyways, there's dinner in a few minutes. we have to go. miss peregrine doesn't like anyone being late."

y/n watched as the bird flew out of the window and then looked back at enoch. "yes, of course."

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