new one - part 2

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warnings: none serious. the only warning is that the children are all in accurate ages (like in the books) except enoch AND the reader is emma's age. :)

y/n felt like she belonged somewhere. she had spent about three months at the children's home, in the loop. although she didn't exactly know for how long she'd been here, but she always asked miss peregrine. there were very few things the lady didn't know. but she knew that y/n missed her parents a little bit, only a little. but each of the children did.

y/n had grown to love the children, she thought they were the sweetest people she had ever met. the children, of course, loved her just as much and her peculiarity, too. she was always playing tricks on her house mates without getting into any serious trouble.

enoch always watched the bunch from afar, in his room. he was always making new things alive to entertain himself and sometimes y/n, too. he loved to see her smile and laugh and have joy on her features. enoch also denied these thoughts when he remembered about them. but he could never tear his eyes from y/n, the smiling purple-haired girl playing with the children.

to enoch, y/n looked really beautiful in her pink dress. it was simpler than simple, a static pastel pink dress that reached her mid thigh and had a white collar around her neck. her purple hair perfectly stood out on the school girl vibe the dress made and her blue eyes shone in the contrast.

enoch sighed, looking out his window at y/n and the children playing. she was laughing, her mouth wide open with her tongue and teeth showing, cheerful sounds coming out of it. enoch grinned. the girl seemed to sense that someone was looking at her and she looked around, the dress slightly whirling in the air around y/n's legs. her eyes searched the place around her, and when she looked up, her eyes found enoch in his room window.

she reached her arm out and waved at enoch, smiling. he returned the favour with a slight grin, but then turned his back when he realised the girl had caught him watching her. his eyes widened as he cursed slapped himself mentally multiple times. bloody hell.

the thing about y/n and enoch - over the few months, they had grown closer. they were best friends, but nobody believed it wasn't more than that. the other boys noticed how y/n looked at enoch and the other girls noticed how enoch looked at y/n. they would tease y/n about it, but daren't do it to enoch because he would probably flip and throw human guts at anyone who teased him.

the way enoch looked at y/n and vice versa was not telling any lies. they really did feel something in them towards each other, like a feeling. it made funny things appear in their tummies and smile all the time. they wanted to be more than friends, more than best friends. but that couldn't be possible.

i mean, y/n was so insecure about herself. she hardly made herself put on that pink dress, she wasn't confident about herself. y/n really liked enoch, but she thought - how could he ever like a girl like herself? she was nothing, a nobody. just a girl who could float things with her mind. and enoch was... everything y/n had thought of as a perfect guy. she saw through his wall of hating everything and everyone, she saw how much of a heart he had. either a beating one or not. he was a sweet guy.

enoch, of course, thought that any guy could replace him. y/n could go back to her time, her life and family. find someone who is better than enoch, who can give her more, who can actually be there. y/n was so perfect, in every way possible, but enoch was... enoch. a faded memory from the past. an old mind and soul trapped into a body of a sixteen year old boy. he was nothing. y/n would eventually find someone better than enoch, because she could still live like a normal person, unlike enoch.

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