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I'VE BEEN WAITING AND DEBATING OVER SONGS AND THEN GAGA DROPPED THIS AND- I think it's beautiful... And it just kinda sets the mood. Also. This is the last chapter. *le gasp*

I know! *hides behind a desk* The last chapter of this awesome book. But remember, when one book ends, another begins. I've enjoyed writing... But they've overcome everything. They're strong now. 😭 ❤

Now on to the last chappie:


I woke up comfortably in Jake's arms. He was so warm that the frostbite the ceiling was trying to give me, couldn't even happen.

I smiled as I glanced at the small hickeys and bite marks decorating his skin. He looked so happy in his peaceful slumber. I just didn't have the heart to wake him.

I yawned quietly and stretched in hopes of carefully relieving some tension in my shoulders.

Unfortunately, that caused him to unconsciously pull me closer. I didn't mind it until I felt a boner, in which I responded to with a sharp chomp to his exposed neck.

He yelped as he jolted awake. "Enoch?!" He panicked as he tried to push me away without causing himself further injury.

I leaned back and smiled as I continued to stretch. "Yes?"

"You bit me."

"I did."

"You're a fucking asshole, you know that?" He growled sleepily as he rubbed his aching neck.

"You were fucking mine last night, suck it up."

"But it hurt!" He whined as he slowly started to open his sapphire blue eyes.

"I'm not going to be sore alone, doofus."

"But E...I told you-"


"Do you want a hot bath and a massage?"

I arched a brow. "Why?"

"It'll alleviate some of the tenderness back there." He mumbled as he drowsily rubbed my back.

As sloppy as his massaging was at the moment, it still felt heavenly. I sighed out of short relief and kissed his cheek. "Only if you carry me."

"Bloody princess."

"Where's my crown?" I snorted.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh so you like that nickname?"

"Shove it, you idiot."

"Princess over daddy... Well what's my new nickname?"

I was flustered. "..."

"Or maybe I should call you daddy again..."

"What!? Why?" My face burned as he tossed back the sheets and exposed our bodies to the cold air.

"I like the affect it has on you."

"You're an ass, you know that?"

"Yeah? Well I'm your ass."

I laughed as he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bathroom. "You know Peregrine is going to kill us... Right?"

"I think we were quiet enough."

"Do you really think so?"

Last Night from Peregrine's POV

Bronwyn came running into Ms. Peregrine's bedroom in the middle of the night.

"Ms. Peregrine! Ms. Peregrine!"

The navy haired woman sat up groggily. "Yes Bronwyn? What's the matter?"

"It's Enoch and Jake! There were a few loud noises coming from their room and then it just got really quiet!" The small girl said with teary eyes. "Do you think they're okay!?!"

Ms. Peregrine ran through several scenarios and simply concluded that they might have gone against her wishes and become intimate. At least they had been quiet and questionable instead of being bluntly obvious about their actions.

"Uh. Enoch might have been showing Jake one of his creations again." She yawned. Her eyes flickered to the clock across the room drowsily. "It's 1 AM, Bronwyn. You don't want to grow purses under your eyes do you?"

"No ma'am."

"Then off to bed, hmmm?"

"Yes ma'am."

The little girl went off to bed.

Lunch Time from Ms. Peregrine's POV

No one had seen Enoch or Jacob since yesterday when Jacob returned injured from their journey.

So, when they came down matching with black turtlenecks and slacks... Everyone couldn't help but stare.

Emma and Olive were oddly tense regardless of their own intertwined rendezvous.

Bronwyn and the other younglings looked concerned... And Horace-?

Horace really needs to stop analyzing them as hard as I do.

"Hey Jacob. How are you feeling?"

"Huh?" He blinked and looked at Horace.

"You were bleeding when you came into the house..."

"Oh. Yeah." He nodded as he recalled the faded memory. "Enoch fixed me up well."

Horace and I both glanced to Enoch curiously.

"He just needed a few stitches and some salve." He shrugged. "He'll survive."

"Why are you two wearing turtlenecks?"

"Because." Enoch shrugged.

"Because what?" Bronwyn furrowed her brows curiously.

Jake glanced at Enoch curiously as the boy took a bite of a biscuit. "..."

"Because I wanted us to match..." Jake answered.

"But isn't it hot outside?" Emma arched a brow.

"It's in the 90s..." Olive added.


"-We fucked." Enoch cut Jake off and smirked at my devastated face.

"ENOCH O'CONNOR!" I snapped as I looked at my other kids nervously.

"You guys asked for it." He shrugged.

Jake was scarlet.

"What's fucked?" Bronwyn asked.


I kicked Horace. "-Nothing. It's nothing."

"Well how was it?" Emma asked curiously.

Enoch bit a strawberry before replying. "Decadent."


Decadent (JacobXEnoch)Where stories live. Discover now