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⟜•» Stefan

   "Derek the first thing you do is take me to a hospital not stitch me up and inject me with your dodgy basement plants, okay!" I exclaimed, pushing him back as I stared at the grotesque black string that adorned the pasty-green ointment and angry torn skin. "Seriously, look at that," I stared angrily at him as I made a series of over the top gestures at my chest, "unbelievable, how am I supposed to pick up girls with this, huh?" 

He glared at me unamusedly, "I tried," he grunted. 

  "Tried?" I laughed dryly, "Did you do this blindly, I mean fuck Derek," I collapsed on his lounge, wincing slightly at the tug along my ribs, "I could have done a better job with my left hand, and I mean that's only good when your right-hand gets a bit tired," Derek groaned and winced at my innuendo while I grinned stupidly trying to ease the tense air. 

  "Can you just put a top on, I heard a howl while you were still asleep-"

  "Asleep!" I interrupted, "I was passed out from lack of blood! Blood Derek, without blood you die, or normal people oh, you probably don't know what that means Mr. Big Bad Wolf who has no apparent need for hospitals because he's the Defier of Death, huh? Well, I can die, die! That mean's no more," I stopped abruptly for a breath. Derek stared at me patiently before, with a huff, I grabbed the tee that he had been offering in his hand and slipped it on, "I hate you," I grunted angrily.

He shrugged before grabbing his keys and walking towards his car while I begrudgingly followed. He didn't acknowledge me up until we'd reached a shady part of the town and he not so subtly handed me a knife, I raised my eyebrows, "What do you expect me to do with this big guy? Hope that the blunt edge hits big Alpha Males heart before he claws my head off?" 

  "It's better than nothing," he shrugged, and I flailed aggressively in my seat before readjusting my glasses. 

  "It doesn't stop me from dying!" I exclaimed, wanting so badly to stick the knife straight through his stupid forehead where his eyebrows furrowed at me.  

  "You won't die," he growled as he parked his car, which was when my eyes drifted to the dashboard where two red digits shone. I smacked my head in frustration. 

  "Fuck, my Dad's gonna kill me. Forget the Alpha, Dads gonna castrate me before the Alpha gets within heart removal distance," I wiped my glasses as they fogged, before opening the car door and falling out of the still in motion car. I heard Derek cry out and watched the stop lights flare through my blurry vision before I began running. I'm not entirely sure why I jumped from the car but even as I began to quickly scale a couple of shipping containers I was beginning to feel like it was a pure carnal instinct driving me. As I ran I turned briefly and immediately noticed Derek's electric blue eyes flare in warning.

I exhaled a plume of breath as fear pinched my legs into an abrupt stop, in my peripheral vision  I noticed a shadow move towards me and in that moment I really fucking wished I had that knife. "Derek," I breathed, "I fucking told you so," I whimpered, as the Alpha growled lowly, I heard him inhale sharply followed by the sticky sound of his jaw opening to snarl, and then a gunshot sounded and I fell to the ground. 

I squeezed my eyes shut as the white light infiltrated my eyelids. Blindly I fumbled for my phone that rang incessantly before bringing it to my ear, "What?" I asked while rubbing my head hoping to alleviate the pain behind my eyes and practically everywhere. 

"Where the hell are you?" Derek growled, and immediately my eyes snapped open as memories from the previous flooded my vision. 

"Where the hell do you think I am? I want to save my balls, Derek, they are pretty important to me you know," I said before gathering my surroundings with a sudden realization, "shit, how the fuck did I get here?" I mumbled rubbing my head before readjusting my glasses. I heard Derek groan over the phone but I was too preoccupied navigating a couple of mops to ask why.

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