a speech that you can skip(it's about a computer game)

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Yes. Exactly what the title says. You can bear this emotional speech, me knowing that this isn't quite an update (trust me guys the real updates are coming soon, it's just....watching video's related to the game, which i will be revealing shortly, made me write....like a thank you sort of thing.)

So by March 29, 2017 a game stopped existing on computer to transition to a phone-app-game thing

The game's name is {more like was, because now it is called Club Penguin Island}  Club Penguin.

You can look it up, since i don't really know how to explain the game.

YouTube can also help.



Those who have played it, know what I'm talking about.

The reason behind why it is emotional, is because i have played it over or about 8 years.

I used to play it almost everyday, but growing up i noticed that i was playing more and more rarely {as of 2016 or 2015 i went to see what's going on in the game only few times a month or when their was a party}

Club Penguin is still a unique game, because it is like another world (.....there are, penguin spies, polar bear villain, ninja penguins, celebrities, pirate that likes stinky cheese, ect...ect...ect)

It feels like i have been growing up with the game, since i have seen it evolve over the years.

As it developed, i finally got the membership(only in 2015, if i may add) to get those cool clothes and special access to special rooms during the different kinds of parties.

But the hype kinda ended after few months.

Of course it was nice to log in after weeks of not being in the game, but it sorta got boring

{The goodbye Club Penguin party hit me straight in the feels and made me recall all the memories, since i actually really had fun. Plus it had trivia quizzes. Which i totally Snowballed it ;)}

{meant to be a pun, but now i realize only few may get it}

the music is still fantastic. I really loved the stop-motion Christmas special.

Everything put in to this game, just made it feel THAT much real. And even if i often logged in (like....really rarely after few years). i felt strangely attached to the game.

The game also gave me deep lessons

{Which i agree 100% in the video below}

I guess ah shoot the wrong font

i guess one of the reasons why i felt attached to this game, because it had, sorta, part of my childhood {for petes sake 8 YEARS! I'm not 20, that i can type}

Now i don't know if you really care or not. Or read it at all, but it got me thinking how people can be fond of something that you can't exactly touch, but you still feel a connection.

It's a little bit like books. {we don't see the characters. well........not quite. We fall in love with the character's because of their soul, personality and what they do.}

Anyway it is just a random thing, i had to put down here.

I will certainly remember the game and the playlist (and Rookie, Dot, Aunt Artic, Candace ect, ect)
But that's that

I will certainly remember the game and the playlist (and Rookie, Dot, Aunt Artic, Candace ect, ect)But that's that

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Also another relatable thing - when a book series or TV show ends it's like losing part of you.

Yeah...... that Bermuda triangle is never a good feeling.

~ Waddle on

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