Valentines day aesthetic

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With my own spin on it 😉

With my own spin on it 😉

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So here's my relationship with the day of Valentine - neutral.

I am a sucker for a good romance, but this day is a bit .....uhm.....overrated (??????)


I just don't get why......


Why can't love be celebrated everyday, just maybe without the use much pink and red. And stalkery babies with wings.


I see it as the day where you can also celebrate platonic love. Love for your friends, family and of course yourself.

(The last one should be most important, so treat yourself. Get as sugar high as you want.)

And also - it's okay to be single. (Don't worry, I'm not a bitter single lady)

In fact - embrace it. There's honestly no rush when it comes to finding boyfriend/ girlfriend.

Find yourself first. Discover what you like, what you want to be, make your dreams come true ect...ect.

With that typed...

I hope you're having a great day 💖

If not - don't worry, there's always tomorrow.

If not - don't worry, there's always tomorrow

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~ going ghost 👻

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