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8:23 am

jennie: yo taeyong-ssi wassup?¿??

jennie: i heard that you and your friends are being asked to go to the principal’s office

jennie: did your gang do something again??¡

✔ seen 8:30 am

8:32 am

taeyong: yeah we are now heading there

jennie: ok goodluck but u must admit ur fault :---(

taeyong: if i admitted that it was our fault, will you stop on messaging me?

jennie: well, it’s a no taeyong-ssi!¡???

jennie: am i that irritating?¿!?

jennie: :’----(

✔ seen 8:37 am

8:40 am

taeyong: you’re completely annoying me because you keep on messing with me how come you dared to message me? and not just once but a lot of times? | backspace

taeyong: you aren’t

𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗘。taeyongWhere stories live. Discover now