The Encounter of Quinn

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The shimmer of the moonlight reflects off the shiny, bold armored suits of Nightwing and the Batman. They lurk on a rooftop, eyeing down at Arkham - spotting anything unusual as Arkham Asylum is on yellow alert. Of course, there is always something unusual in Arkham...

"We should reach higher ground." Bruce announces.

"You really think so? We can practically see the entire city up here!" Dick says.

"Come on." Bruce and Dick swing from rooftop to rooftop, reaching towards higher buildings. Batman's scanners cannot scan a large enough area unless he is much higher.

Suddenly, a huge explosion is seen over at Arkham Asylum. Bruce and Dick swing around, facing the island as it fumes up into an harmonic orange blast. They rush over to there.

"Gordon! What's going on?" Batman asks the commissioner.

"It's the Joker, Batman... He, he, he... He broke out! Harley Quinn made the break out successful. The little sweetheart is falling for the Joker's tricks again. You must stop Harley getting any further. She needs to realize!" Gordon cries out.

"Jim. Don't worry. We'll handle it. Nightwing, go capture Quinn. I have the Joker." Batman's deep voice crackles into seriousness and professionalism.

"In all honesty, the Quinn scares me more than the Joker." Dick expresses a slight judgement that Bruce does not take to heart.

Nightwing enters the blast, trying to locate Harley Quinn. He spins around, darts through small gaps of debris from the exploded building. Then, a familiar squeal meets his ear drums.

"Night-bird!" Harley screams across the land of debris.

Nightwing slashes out his electrical sticks, scanning where Harley may be.

"Harley, come on, let's play it cool alright? You do realize the Joker is messing with you again? He's just going to abuse you like before. Now... Let's just walk out of here and you'll be in a good care... okay?" Whilst he was scanning, being unaware where Harley may be, Harley suddenly jumps through a ball of mist and whacks Nightwing with her green and purple mallet. She groans at each swing and screams when Nightwing succeeds at zapping her.

"Why can't you people let me live happily ever after? Why must you get between me and my puddin'!" She groans really hard at each super swing she aims to Nightwing. She grinds her teeth and aims her sharp blue eyes into Nightwing's sharp blue eyes.

The battle continues. Kick, kick, stab. Punch, punch, grab. Harley's jester begins to tear apart and get dirty. Nightwing pins her to the ground, locking both hands behind her back. She giggles.

"Mista J will kill you for what you've done!" She screeches. Nightwing stands straight, looking out for Batman. He then turns to Harley, giving her a kick in the hand.

"Shut up! It's over." She laughs off the pain and bruises.

Nightwing picks up Harley and begins to drag her back to the Batmobile followed by the GCPD. The commissioner grabs hold of Quinn and locks her up in the back seat of the police car.

"Thank you, Nightwing. I'll make extra sure this little brat won't escape at all."

"It's no problem, sir." Nightwing hurries off back into Arkham Asylum to help Batman to capture the Joker. In the meantime, Harley hums to herself in the police car. She wiggles about and tries to look for the Joker. But nothing.

Batman enters the main hallway as Joker is located at the other end. He erupts into his signature laugh.

"You know, some women can be so naïve! Poor, poor Harley. Why, she has wasted her entire life away! And who for? Me! Mee-heeeee! Oh, how I do feel loved. But you know what, Bats? If there's anyone I'd die for, it would be you!" Batman scowls harshly at him. He takes slow baby steps closer and closer to the Joker.

"It's over, Joker. Hand yourself in or the only Hell you'll be entering is the bottom of your shoes." Batman demands.

"Oh! There he is! The Batman I truly remember! You know, if that bitch of a clown did not break me out, you would have received a thousand of handwritten letters by yours truly!" He chokes into a laugh. The tempo kicks in. Nightwing jumps behind Batman, walking aside him, both getting closer to the Joker as he remains standing still.

"Oh, why don't you look at this, ladies and gentlemen! It's your little boy wonder. My, my! Haven't you grown, son! Well, I must admit. You've got more steam than what-so-face over here under that mask. But hey! I am not complaining! I think the masks makes you more intimidating than you actually are! Hoooooo-hahahahaaaaa!"

Batman and Nightwing hear rustles in the shafts above their head. The mood changes from successful to challenging. They both prepare to pounce when all of a sudden, someone in a red hood comes out of the air duct in the ceiling. He lands straight on top of the Joker, with one hand gripping his throat as if it was a stress ball. The red masked man turns to face Batman and Nightwing.

"Here. Take him before I take his life." He said. Batman goes to grab hold of the Joker and knocks him out cold.

"Jason, you bloody scared us man." Dicks says.

"You? Scared? When was the last time I heard that, eh?" Jason chuckles under his red hood.

"Oh, shut it you." Dick smirks.

"Yeah, it's glad to have you back too." Jason grins.

Batman hands over the Joker to the GCPD, where they've locked him up and tied him up in chains to avoid him escaping easily again. Harley Quinn screams in the backseat of the police car.

"Puddin! Puddin! Puddin!" She growls. She bashes herself against the door, trying to escape. The car rocks.

The Joker begins to awaken his knock out. The first person he sees is Harley wiggling about in the police car. He chuckles.

"Oh, Harley. You failed me again. But that's okay! A brat like you shouldn't take in another breath! Hahahahaaaaahaaaaa!"

Harley frowns. Totally motionless. She remains calm and confused. She was brainwashed again. She begins to remember all those times that the Joker abused her. How he'd throw her out of windows. Leave her to drown. Throw her out. Beat her up whenever she did something wrong. It all comes back to her and she explodes into a million pieces. The GCPD takes her to the station for questioning, alongside Nightwing and the Bat.

Jason stops by Burger King for a reward meal. He gobbles up his double cheese burger with extra tomatoes. An old man stares at him while he eats like a hyena. "Do you mind? I deserved this for not being a pussy today."

Nightwing sits in the passenger seat of the same police car that Harley is in. Nightwing looks at Harley in the mirror reflection, catching a glimpse of Harley's streaming tears.

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