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Nightwing's POV

The smell of pure, British scones and strawberries wakes me up. Such an odd smell to wake up to. But scones and strawberries are secretly my favorite breakfast meal. I lean up and glance over at the kitchen to see where the smell is coming from. Jason and Harley are baking homemade scones and are blending strawberries in the blender. I smile.

"Oh, look who finally woke up." Jason says.

I groan into my morning voice. "It's only 10 in the morning."

Harley smiles at me as she concentrates making the scones at top quality.

"Harls thought it would have been a good idea to make you your favorite breakfast." Jason tells Dick.

"It's a thank you gift for turning my life around for the good. Besides, I forgot I could even bake! I always use to bake before, you know..."

I smile at her. She really shouldn't have but I appreciate it.

"It's almost done so come on! Get your ass ready." Harley says quite chirpy.

I drag myself to the bathroom to freshen up and prepare for breakfast.
We all eat together, having a laugh, being a silly bunch of children... Me and Jason may be adults now, but we both are still the quirky and cheeky little Robins that we once were. And Harley is a clown, so of course her silliness is her natural act!

I'll admit though, I'm oddly attracted to Harls. It's something about crazy women that gets me. Can Jason leave already?!

Harley's POV
An hour passes, and Jason leaves and proceeds his general sassy patrol on the rooftops of Gotham where he'll end terrorising men with ski-masks.

Dick is oddly handsome. His thick, black hair is too sexy to be true. His eye color literally hypnotises me. And his jawline cuts through all my sorrows.
He makes me feel whole; happy, and that Joker never existed in my life. I feel normal! Well, normal is a strong word, but I no longer feel like a psychotic maniac with an abusive ex who I can't seem to let go of.

Now this is where I try to make a move. I tell Dick I'm going to shower.
"Dick, I'm gonna have a shower, I shouldn't be too long." I tell him, as he laid back on the couch watching the daily news as he's clothed lazily in sweatpants and a random shirt. His abs are so plump, I can see them poking through his baggy shirt. I bite my lip and go into Dick's bedroom as the bathroom door is in his room.

I look at the towel placed over the radiator of Dick's room. I purposely forget to bring it in with me. This may be wrong; I'm going in the deep end with this one. What if Dick has no feelings towards me like I do towards him!? I'm a clown for God's sake! Why does this matter? I've obviously had much worse things happen to me. Stop ya whining Harleen and get in there with the bird boy!

Ten minutes pass, and I finish up. Obviously, there is no towel for me. I hop out the shower, absolutely soaking wet, and I half open the bathroom door and I shout for Dick.
He comes the door, "Harls, what's up?"
I play along, hoping for a rather pleasing outcome... "I don't have a towel."
He chuckles. Gosh, he's an adorable dork.
"Towels literally over here. How could you forget, heh."
He hands it to me, not daring to look in the bathroom although I'm half hidden behind the door. His eyes are closed. I grab the towel and cover myself, and then walk out to him.

"What? Never seen a girl naked before? What are you so afraid of?"

He embarrassingly chuckles. "No no, it's no that, it's just..."

I walk right up to him and lean in close. He is looking away, as if he's holding back something. I gaze at him in interest.

I whisper, sending chills down Dick's muscular back. "Heyyy...You know, there's something I've been dying to do..."

He clences his jaw and closes his eyes as if he's thinking of all the possible things I've been dying to do.
He looks at me deep into my eyes, seriously. "And what may that be, Miss Quinn?" His sexy voice crackles.

I plant a soft kiss on his cheek and gracefully smile at him.
"Thank you for all of this care you have given me. I want to apologize for everything I have caused in the past. You know, Joker was manipulating me back and forth and some days I would just-"

Dick chuckles and places his index finger softly onto my lips to stop me from talking. My eyes widen.
He whispers as he gracefully smiles, "Stop talking."

He cups his hands gently around my neck, and dives in calmly for a kiss on my lips. He's scared though. I can tell. He kisses me once and then pulls back; fear is exploring within his eyes. He wants approval. He wants consent. He knows I'm a dangerous gal with tricks up my sleeve. But the Joker is no longer here to make me 'dangerous' anymore. I want to show Dick the new me. The new Harley Quinn. The REAL Harleen Quinzel, psychiatrist with PhDs and a sassy attitude that I only expressed on a Friday night out alone.

I lean in this time, hard, and kiss him deeply. We're making out long and hard, and I press my tongue against his. He's gripping me tightly and breathing in deeply. He's really loving this. He really LIKES me.
He picks me up, legs around his waist, and we land on his bed, still making out. He unwraps from the towel to reveal my naked, soft body. He pauses.


So, is this how love works? We're both tempted to have a taste of each other, and fall in the arms of the unknown where we both have secrets to be told. Nah well.

She sits up and quickly unzips my jeans and pulls them down as I lift my shirt over my head, revealing my muscular build.
I go back on top and continue to dance with her soft tongue.
But then she pulls back, panicking.
"What are we doing? Where will this lead to? I'm tryna be a normal girl and this is how I start it off?"
I have no words other than, "you're a little minx, you know that right?"
She's mad. She frowns at me and pushes me off.
"What?" I say.
"Joker called me a minx all the time."
"Oh. I'm sorry. Let me name you something else."
She snaps. "No! I'm not gonna get used by Batsy's man-whore and that's it! I want a real life!"
"Harley... Harley? Harley! Look at me. Please. Don't you dare say that I'll use you. I saved your life. Look how healthy you are now. Plus, I know you like me... As well."
She chuckles. "Yeah yeah yeah I know you saved and all but I would've been better off on my own and-" she pauses mid-sentence. "Wait, what do you mean as well?"

I walk up to her, friendly. "Harls, I genuinely like you very much. But I won't force you to do something you don't want to do. I just want you to be safe, alive and well. That's all. I'll see myself out. I'm sorry." I walk out, to head to the lounge, until Harley grabs me by the arm, spins me around to face her and she kisses me.
She wants me. She's just a little too insane. But I like that. What would a circus boy be without insanity and a clown? We're a match.

We're both naked and the blanket of the bed burries us. I suck at her neck, long and hard, plant so many kisses in every sweet spot of her neck. She gently moans into my ear as I do so.


I dig my nails into his back, and I feel his member on my pubic bone. I'm nervous about this, but I feel ready. And that's all that matters. Feeling ready.
He gets more intense. I blush and bite my lip, enjoying this REAL moment.
I never had an intimate moment moment like this with anyone before. Before Joker, yeah, I had a few boyfriends in college, but they were all douche bags, and I never fucked any of them... Joker was my first. I gave him consent because I was tricked into being in love with him as he promised the whole world to me. Until he hurt me. Then I realized. Then it was rape.
Dick's my first, REAL and meaningful engagement. So, of course I am absolutely terrified.
He senses panic in my eyes. "Harls. Babe, it's all right. I won't hurt you. Trust me."

Trust. What a hazardous thing. But this is Nightwing! Batsy's first Robin, and he's a heroic leader. Wow. A leader. Heroic.

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