Chapter one

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"Spill. Give me every last drop until I'm licking the bottom." Angela urged me on for every drop of juicy gossip she could squeeze out as she sipped her strawberry smoothie, "Don't leave me hanging, Cher."

I laughed, "Okay, okay. It's not a big deal. I just got him staring and-"

"Not a big deal?" Angela huffed, "He's either got the hots for you or you just have a huge pimple."

I rolled my blue eyes, "Probably the latter."

Angela sipped her smoothie, "Girl, you need to stop underestimating yourself.  You're hot and you know it," she wiggled her eyebrows," Have you seen your brother?" She twisted her hair around her fingers, looking off somewhere licking her red ruby lips.

"Yes, and I would recommend you to get your eyes checked. Not to mention he's eighteen and you're fifteen," I sipped at my mango smoothie, "He's an alcoholic and probably mildly retarded." I snickered.

Angela finished her smoothie," You can't deny. He's pretty hot," She tucked her palms under her chin,"I wouldn't minded he bent me over-"

"That's gross." I stuck my tongue out, "I'm okay on listening to your sexual fantasies with my brother, Ang."

"Well I guess gross is the new hot." She shrugged and threw her cup away, "We blowing this joint?"

I sighed, "I'm not finished but sure." I picked my still full smoothie up and left a quick tip on the table.

"A dollar?" Angela remarked, "High roller these days?" She snickered, examining her blood red nails.

"Shut up." I laughed, slapping Angela on the arm.

"So where to, Cherry?" Angela questioned, flipped her long black hair.

"My house, I guess." I shrugged, cringing from the hot Tulsa sun. I knew there wasn't any question about it. If there was a chance to go to my house, Angela took it.

"I mean if we have to." Angela gave a fake pouty groan.

"Oh whatever. You just come for the view," I wisecracked, "You use me for my ugly brother." I flicked Angela on her pale arm.

"It's not a bad one." She shrugged," And you know you're the better view." She winked and bumped me me with her bony hip, causing me to momentarily stumble on the sidewalk.

I just laughed and nudged the brunette beside me.


As soon as we walked through the door, Keith was waltzing straight out. I huffed as he passed us up without a greeting,

"What? No how was your day, Cher or did you have-"

"Thanks, for the smoothie, sis." Keith snatched my smoothie right out of my hands and made his way to his car, without a proper greeting.

"Hello to you too, Keith." I mumbled with annoyance.

"What did I say about formalities?" He asked opening the car door and leaning against it, "How's it doing, doll?" He nodded to Angela.

"Better if you would stay for a while." Angelica flirted back, leaning against the houses doorway while biting her lip.

"Bye, Keith. Cause you know, that's your name." I smirked towards my older brother, waving for him to excuse himself.

He just flicked me off and gave the girl beside me a wink before pulling out the drive way without even looking back.

"He makes me weak." Angela remarked, entering the house.

"He makes my stomach weak." I told her with disgust, "Once more. He's way too old for you.

Angela slapped my arm playfully, " Don't be jealous, Cherry. You know there's enough of me to go around." Angela slid a delicate finger down my chest.

I threw my head back in laughter, "Sharing you?" I removed her skinny finger," I get the whole cake or none."

A/N : I know, I know. Short, but I just wanted to get the structure for the story in place and a general idea of where I wanted to go. But I got it now! Stick around ❤️

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