Chapter Two

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My room wasn't anything fancy. The walls were painted a pale pink, that was starting to chip and the carpet had stains from various sources. The wall made me sick and I would of just painted over the color, if the house wasn't a rent house. The carpet didn't bother me much. The stains weren't that suspicious considering the furniture covered up most of it. Out of sight, out I mind, I reminded myself.

My bed was pushed against the wall, next to the dirty window that Angela had cracked open to smoke a cigarette.

She blew a perfect ring, "I'm thinking of Texas." She told me from when I was standing by my dresser that was missing a couple of drawers, "Imagine all the hot, sweaty cowboys." She stared out the window, blowing smoke out her nose.

I furrowed my blonde, delicate eyebrows, "Texas? Like moving there?" Ever since Dally and Johnny were hold up down there, the word Texas was a sore spot for the gang. My brothers gang that is. I didn't know them, but I did know they were Keith's second family, hell they might as well be his first.

"Yeah, it'll be nice to get away." She flicked her cigarette out the window and turned turned me, "But for tonight...let's do something."

"Like what?" I questioned absent mindlessly. I was still in thought about her moving to Texas. Of all places. There was no way Angela would survive by herself without becoming a stripper or give her body up for prostitution. I wouldn't tell her that, but it was still in the back on my mind. I would of understood a town over or moving across Tulsa, but Texas? There was no way I would survive without Angela.

Angela had taken me under her wing when I had began public school. I was homeschooled up until second grade, while Keith had always gone to public school. For some reason he loved school and I couldn't figure why.

Angela had gave many broken noses, sprained wrists, and black eyes on my behalf. Though Angela was slim and not much taller than myself standing at five foot five, she sure did pack a punch. Her brother's taught her how to fight and it came in handy many times when a soc or greaser would try to have their way with the spitfire.

Sadly for me, Keith didn't believe in "Lady's" fighting and I knew it was rubbish. Keith would always talk about how hot the greaser girls were cause of how they were tuff, even though his current girlfriend, Kathy didn't get involved with fighting.

But if I would ever rant about how I wanted to hit a certain girl, Keith would always hit me with "No one cares about your drama." Or "You act more like a damn boy than a lady."

Angela pretended to ponder on it, "Hm, oh I know!" She held up a finger.

I rolled her eyes already knowing what she was going to say. Plopping on my creaky bed, I let out a groan, "Please don't say-"

"Buck's!" She finished for me.

I groaned and pulled a blue throw pillow over my blonde head, which was ripped from my hands promptly,

"C'mon, Cher! You need to get out for a while," She begged me, cuddling up to my side, "Pleaseeee"

I looked down at her friend then let out a defeated sigh, "Fine." I grumbled, "But don't leave me." She gave her friend a pointed look, "I'm serious, Angela."

"I never ditch you!" She defended herself, a pale hand coming to clutch her chest.

I narrowed my eyes. I knew Angela too well. Every time we went out or just to Buck's, Angela would leave me by myself to fend off random guys and go off with some man. even multiple men. And when I say man, I mean man. They were either in their late twenties or early thirties. It made me a little sick to think that a grown man would have his way with a fifteen year old girl, but I'm sure there are worse things.

"Okay, okay," Angela put her hands up in surrender, "I have in the past lost track of you. But I won't this time." She smirked and lit another cigarette, taking a long puff.


By the time the party started rolling around eleven, Angela had stuck to her oath and did not leave my side. But instead, got me wasted on vodka. I had promised  myself that I wouldn't drink, but peer pressure was a real thing and it was hard to ignore.

Angela had handed me a bottle of a clear liquid and had urged me to throw it all back, but I refused until a group around us formed and I suddenly myself found chugging it until it was halfway empty. I had to squeeze my eyes shut from letting it come back up. The crowd erupted in cheers as Angela took the bottle back and downed the rest, flinging the bottle aside.

I leaned on Angela as we walked to the kitchen in hopes of finding some type of salty snack. Giggles and shouting came from the kitchen as we neared closer, but I didn't notice a certain blonde sitting on the island, surrounded by girls.

While Angela and I were sharing laughs and whispers, Sodapop Curtis strolled up, "Hey Cher. Angela." He greeted the us with a warm smile.

Angela's ruby lip's formed into a smirk, "As I live and breath, Sodapop Curtis. Didn't know you came to these things, handsome." She lit a cigarette and blew it in his direction.

"Normally, no. But I came to watch Ponyboy." He jerked his head in his younger brother's direction who was currently sipping a beer, talking to a red headed girl, "How are you doing, Cher?" His attention focused on me.

I felt Angela nudge me in the in ribs, "I'll leave you two alone." She winked, running a finger along my chest as she walked away.

I snickered looking down then looked back up at the boyish face of Sodapop, my face instantly lit up as I looked into his baby blue eyes, "How long ya'll been here?" He asked to fill the silence. I could feel the effects of the alcohol as my head swam and a feeling of giddiness shot through my body. I couldn't help the smile that painted it self on my red, warm face.

"Uh, not long." He shook his head slightly, probably confused at Angela's actions, "I'm...I'm used to it." I hiccuped.

I chuckled  looking over at Angela flirting with her victim then back at the boy in front of her, "That's just how she is," I told him, reading his mind, "She's friendly. Realllyyy friendly." I shrugged, taking a swing of of my water. I needed something to rid of the taste of the vodka.

"Oh no, that's fine," He scratched at the back of his neck, "She's always been like that."

Our conversation was interrupted by someone shouting, "Shots!" And just about everyone in the kitchen split save for Sodapop and myself. I have had my fair share of liquor tonight and I couldn't stomach the thought of tasting another drop.

Ponyboy trailed in the kitchen, his head hanging down, "Hey, Soda."

Sodapop instantly snapped his attention me and diverted it to his brother, "Are you okay, Pony?" He asked, examining his face for any injures.

"Um, yeah." He glanced over me where was standing behind Sodapop, he smiled slightly, "Hey, Cher."

"Hey, Ponyboy." I greeted back with a kind smile,"I'll need to be getting back to Angel. No idea where she ran off to." Probably into a room with a guy or two I thought to myself

"Oh, okay." Sodapop said offhandedly, his concern focused on his brother who's eyes were directed towards the floor, "I'll see you around," He said it more like a question.

"Yeah," I told him with a small, maybe a little disappointed smile, "See you around," I looked over to Ponyboy, "It was good seeing you Ponyboy."

I didn't know Ponyboy well, but he was in a couple of my classes. He was quiet, but it seemed to work out considering he was top of the class.

His lips attempted a smile as they walked out the kitchen, and out the front door. Ponyboy didn't say anything about leaving, but I had knew Sodapop could probably sense it.

I was admittedly envious of their relationship. I knew Keith and I would never share the same bond the Curtis brothers did.

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