Chapter Five

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Six a'clock came around faster than I expected it to, and I was downright nervous. I have not fought before, besides Marlyin Dumar in fifth grade cause she called my brother a "Oily pig". But besides that, I have never punched or physically injured someone.

My uneasiness must of been obvious because Angela spoke up from her place by my window, "Don't worry, Cherry. Those bitches won't know how to fight worth shit."

I took a slow drag from my cigarette. Angela had taught me how much to suck in and when to blow it out. She told me I was a natural, and it actually calmed by nerves.

"I don't know how to fight either, Ang." I ran an anxious hand through my hair, "What the hell did I get us into?"

She laughed as she tossed her cigarette out and leaned up against my wall with a relaxed smile, "Chill the fuck out, Cher. I can handle those girls on my own if I wanted to," she lit up another cigarette. She sure did smoke a lot , "But you got this. You're a natural greaser girl. Look, you're even holding your stick like a pro." She pointed out.

I watched my cigarette burn, until it reached the end and I threw it out the window, "Shit, you're right, you're right." I sighed and rested my head on her lap, "I need change, Angel. I can't keep living in Keith's shadow and I'm tired of..." I huffed and Angela continued to stroke my hair as she kept her cigarette away from my hair, "I'm tired of Sodapop not noticing me." I finished.

I did feel a little silly and immature about it, but every time I saw Sodapop some girl was hanging on his shoulder and I was tired of not being that girl.

"Don't feel dumb," Angela stated, reading my mind, "Change is normal. And in your case, probably a good thing. You have to be tough here or you get your ass handed to you." She handed her cigarette to me and I took it, letting the smoke fill me lungs then handed it back to Angela. I knew she was right, she always was.

I slowly let the smoke roll off my lips, "I am nervous though."

Angela cackled, "Just wait until the adrenaline kicks in while you're bashing a bitch's head in."


When we arrived the park was deserted, and suspicion ran through me. I forgot how the Socs played dirty and they were probably gathering a whole bunch of girls to jump us.

Sylvia, Evie, Angela, and myself were sitting on Evie's car as the hot Tulsa sun beat down.

"How fucking long are they going to take?" Sylvia snarled as she lit up a cigarette and offered us all one, which we all took.

Sylvia. A real firebrand. She had the mouth of a sailor, steel for lungs, and a liver to match. If Dallas had a female Verizon of himself, Sylvia was her.

"You smoke now, Cher?" Evie asked, nodding towards my cigarette.

Then there was Evie. Some say she was blunt and rude, but I always liked her for it. Her fiery personality always clashed with Steve's, but I think that's what kept the relationship alive.

"Uh, yeah. Started today actually." I told her, lighting my own up.

"Good. They save lives. I wouldn't be able to put up with Steve's God damn mood swings if not for cigarettes."

"You must go through twenty a day then." I chuckled.

"You have no idea." She gave an exaggerated sigh and looked over to Angela where she was sitting to my right, whilst Evie was to my left and Sylvia by Evie, " Angela, hey didn't see you there. You're so quiet." She teased.

"Shut the hell up, Evie," Angela instantly snapped. She was probably just waiting for Evie to say something.

Evie shot hers hands up in defense, "Hard feelings?"

"What the fuck do you think?"

"The feelings mutual."

"Can the petty arguing. Our guests have finally arrived." Sylvia hopped off the car, and took a slow drag from her cigarette then put it out with her heel,"Let's knock these bitches out."

We all stood along Sylvia as a mustang pulled up and four girls stepped out. Luckily they stuck to their oath and it was going to be a four on four fight.

Though my heart was pounding into my ears and my blood was pumping ten times faster than it's normal speed, I had already made up my mind that I wanted the blonde, blue eyes girl.

The fact she had flirted with Sodapop didn't bother me, what bothered me was the way she looked at us. The way she looked at me. It something I couldn't place my finger on and all I knew what that I wanted to knock her pearly white teeth out.

They strolled up to us and stood about five feet away. The red head was the first was to speak up, "So you bitches ready to-" She was interrupted by Angela throwing a right hook and nailing her right in the nose, blood instantly running down her lip and down her chin.

"Bitch, you broke my nose!"

Like brother like sister.

Just as expected, the blonde jumped at me and I instantly fell backwards and onto the ground as she stared to punch me in the face. After a couple of seconds, and finally able to grip with what was happening, I took a hold of her hair and flipped us so I was on top and started wailing on her. My surrounding began to blur as the only thing I saw was her.

Her pretty soft blonde hair, her crystal blue eyes, her smooth porcelain skin, and her designer clothes. She was wearing a pink blouse and white shorts. The worst colors for a fight and her clothes were getting dirty fast as I punched her further into the ground.

I felt something come down on my cheek and I realized I had lost focus on the fight and was punched. She had punched with with her other hand, where she had multiple rings on and I was pretty sure she cut me pretty deep.

I spit blood out to the side and went to deliver her another punch, until rough hands grabbed me and forced me up, away from the bloodied face of the once pretty blonde.

I felt a surge of pride as I saw her laying there, defeated. Her face bloodied and dirt stuck to her clothes.

But all pride was ripped from me when I turned around and saw who threw me off of the girl.

Darryl Curtis.

I inwardly groaned as I saw his face. If there was anyone who intimidated me, it was him. I only met him a couple of times and Keith had talked about him, and from what I gather; He's not to someone to exactly mess around with.

"Your brother know you're here?"

I looked around and saw no one but Angela had stayed behind , gripping a bloodied nose but a triumph smile was written on her face. The other girls must of ditched once they saw who interrupted the fight.

She staggered over to us as the three soc girls struggled to help their friend up because they too were suffering from their own beatings.

She gave Darry a smile, "How's it go, Dar." She drawled out.

He just looked over at het and back at me, waiting for me to answer his question. I rolled my eyes, "Of course." Finally answering his question.

He squinted his eyes, "So if I call him right now, he'll agree to what you just said?"

I gave a shaky smile, "Yup."

He shook his head, "You're a good kid, Cher. Why are you getting caught up in all this?" He barely even knew me. How was he going to try and lecture me?

"Why are you here? Where you stalking us?" Angela asked with a bite in her tone.

Darry frowned," No. I was working on the roofing on  the new building over there," Me and Angela's eyes followed to where he pointed, "Until I heard a bunch of shouting."

"So you say." Angela shrugged, "Let's get out of here." She tugged me away.

Darry spoke up as we were leaving, "I'll be calling your brother, Cher." He looked over to Angela, "Yours too, Angela. Tim won't be happy considering you just got off probation."

"Bite me!" She yelled back, giving him the birdie.

I looked back in fear as we continued to walk away.

I was screwed.

Tulsa BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora