Chapter Six

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A/N; This is pretty important. So I changed the beginning of the story. Changed everything to first person, so things have been added to the story. Also I think I wrote something about Cher being sixteen. Well I changed it to fourteen. Also she has blue eyes now because that'll come into play later. But anyway just wanted to clear anything up!


Before I had arrived to my house, I expected Keith's beat up car in the drive way, but it was fortunately deserted. Angela had already gone home, she said she didn't want to be caught up in the cross fire of me and Keith.

I assumed Darry had told Keith about what happened, but if his car isn't here then he's probably at the Curtis's house and maybe Darry didn't snitch on me. A small smile formed on my face as I assumed I had been cut some slack.

It was just now turning seven thirty, I didn't want to think about Darry ratting me out anymore. I wasn't exactly threatened by Keith, but he is the one takes care of me the most because our mom was always working so when he yelled at me, I shrunk a size or two.

I couldn't hide how my eyes almost popped out my head when I walked in to Keith passed out on the couch. I tried to sneak past him but to my avail it failed,

"What yer doing?" His drowsy voice drawled out. He sat up, rubbing his head and giving a rather loud belch, "Why are you getting in so late?"

I attempted to remain calm, but it was difficult because I was directly in front of him. Like a sheep idly laying beside a lion. I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly, "I've been out."

He quirked an eyebrow, "Doing what?" He stood from the couch and walked into the kitchen, I followed him.

"Just hanging with Angela." My eyes captured his movements as he swung open the fridge door grabbing a beer then slamming it shut, "Easy. It's old" I frowned.

He just looked at me and popped open the beer cap over the counter, scratching the surface. I felt a flare of anger, "Seriously, Keith. What's your problem?" It wasn't a big deal, but he had a rotten attitude and his face was twisted up.

He took a swing of his drink, "What were ya'll doing?" He repeated him himself. His eyes staring into my own.

I tried not to give myself away as I sidestepped his question. Something that I had acquired a skill or two in, "I already told you. We just-"

"I'm going to give you one more chance to tell the truth, Cher." He snapped. His temper was rising and I couldn't find it in myself to tell the truth. Something in me just wouldn't allow me to spill everything.

"We just hung out." I confirmed, my head looking at my shoes that had been smeared with dirt from the fight. I was guilty as they came, but I refused to tell the truth.

I saw his eyes flicker to my hands then back to my eyes, "So be it." He said calmly, but his eyes giving him away. He grabbed the rest of his six pack and retreated to his room, his door slamming.

I sighed and leaned against the counter where there was now a nasty scratch. I knew mom wouldn't even say anything about it, but I didn't want to cause her anymore stress and Keith was not helping with his constant drinking and his hobby for getting caught up with the police.

I examined my knuckles. They were a tinted red and the bruising was spreading across and I knew they were going to be sore for a couple of days.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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