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"Can we talk about it at least Bianca?" Calvin begged as she walked in the opposite direction with him hot on her tail.

"What's there to talk about?" She said nonchalantly, keeping her voice to a minimum in spite of the situation.

"So that's it? We're done? You're leaving me like I'm nothing? Right at the start of the summer? Our season?"

"Calvin," Bianca sighed as her patience began to grow thin, "let's be honest, you've been wanting to fuck Mariah for quite some time now. I'm just giving you the opportunity to do it this summer."

"You know I only want you! I kissed her once, but that was it. I thought we were past that already."

"We been past that. My point is, we're better as best friends. I don't know why I thought this could ever work long term."

"So you're saying you regret us?" Calvin's voice grew more and more agitated at Bianca's calm, collected stature.

"Would you stop putting words in my mouth? I never said that. I meant exactly what I said. This whole thing has been cool or whatever, but let's just try being best friends again please? Seems like we just can't see eye-to-eye in a relationship. I mean the sex is amazing, but it's not worth the arguing that's been going on lately."

"So you don't want to try and get to the root of our arguing? You just wanna break shit off? Who is he?"

"Excuse me?" She said chuckling slightly at the ridiculous question that passed Calvin's lips.

"You heard me, who's the new nigga you linked up with? It's all so clear now. Drop me like a bad habit and then on to the next nigga huh? Wow. I mean at least have the decency to let me know that there's someone else you're interested in. At least pretend you have some respect left for me."

"Aight," Bianca spat, raising her voice even though she didn't have the desire to, "you straight trippin now. You know I keep everything 100. Im not a weird bitch. Trust me baby, if there was anyone else I wanted besides you, I would've been gone. You wanna know the truth?"

"Nah, I want you to keep lying," Calvin replied with his statement laced in sarcasm.

"Things just don't feel right like they used to anymore okay. I miss us. Middle School us. Freshman year us. Sophomore year us. The laughs. The freedom. There was never any pressure to do anything. Everything just felt so natural. Now things feel so forced with you, and I hate it. I miss our conversations. I miss our light hearted hugs and hangouts. I just want C and B back. That's it."

"Bianca, you think after a year and a half of us being together I can just give you up? You think I can just let you walk away and watch you be with other people?"

"I'm not gonna leave you Calvin! Trust me! I wanna be your best friend Bianca again, and best friend Bianca never left you."

"Yeah well girlfriend Bianca is. Girlfriend Bianca ain't shit," he mumbled softly nudging her playfully.

She smiled at his childish actions. Calvin's body language proved that he was calming down, and that her words were sinking in.

"Shut up," she smiled back, "See? I miss this. We don't do this when we're boyfriend and girlfriend. Look, let's make a deal. If we break up now, try to go back to they way things were, and they don't work out, then we can get back together cause I don't wanna live a life without you Calvin Malik Rodgers."

"Alright deal," he finally gave in, " I don't wanna live a life without you Bianca Ren Hayes."

There was a silence between the pair. Calvin and Bianca have never gotten along easy.

Calvin's stubborn ways, along with Bianca's need to constantly have the last word, clashed daily, but they were lucky to have more love than hate between one another.

No matter how many fierce arguments the two go into, they always worked things out before the sun went down.

From the outside looking in, one would believe that Bianca and Calvin are too toxic for one another.

And from the inside looking out, the two lovers and friends believe that everyone should mind their own business, and stay out of their complicated affairs.

But that's just the thing, nothing was too complex or too difficult for Bianca and Calvin to solve. No matter what happens between the two, they always promised to stick it out until the very end, passing every test the universe could possibly throw at them.

They felt as though they had been through it all. Just about everything one can think of.

But, the universe has one more test in mind for the pair that they just don't see coming.

A test that they might not be ready for.

It is the difficult, trying times that show who is most loyal and who is not.

Trying times are amongst Bianca and Calvin.

The question remains, who is most loyal and who is not?

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