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"You look..." Calvin gazed at his date unable to find the proper adjectives to describe her beauty, "amazing."

"You clean up nice yourself," Solána smiled.

"I try, I try," Calvin grinned across the table from his date.

The Cheesecake Factory on this particular night was slightly empty which the pair found lovely.

"So," Solána said shifting the conversation, "tell me about yourself. To be honest, I feel like I don't really know too much about you, mystery man."

"Mystery man?" Calvin smirked, "I kinda like that."

"Yeah, it's kinda fun when you have to pick someone's brain to find things out about them. Fair warning, I'm all about picking brains. Damn that sounded less creepy in my head sorry," she giggled.

"No sweat sweetheart," Calvin joined in on her giggles, "I don't think I'd ever find you creepy. You just don't give off that vibe. Actually, I'm not all that great. I'm curious about you mystery girl. Popping up outta nowhere and already popular. You got the school talking..in a good way for once."

"Honestly, I'm just being myself for once. I'm just chilling and staying in my lane and it feels good. Remember my old friends I told you about?" Solána asked in an attempt to refresh his memory.

"Yeah, I do," he said.

"Well, once I stopped hanging with them and pretending to be something I wasn't, I had time to try and figure out who I was and what I liked. I still don't quite know 'who I am' per say, but I do know that I just like to be nice and spread positivity. With my old group we were the popular kids, so we treated everyone like they were beneath us. And even though I didn't like being rude to others, I did it just to stick with my friends. Moving out here to Crenshaw High was the best thing that could've ever happened to me. I got a fresh start with school and my parents."

"Your parents?" Calvin questioned. "Something happen between you and them?"

"Yeah," she said lowly playing with the food on her plate.

"Sorry if I struck a nerve. We don't have talk if you-"

"No it's cool. I actually wanna talk about it as strange as it may seem. A few months before I left Manhattan, I came out to my parents. Told them I was Bisexual."

"Okay. That doesn't seem too bad."

"Yeah it wouldn't have been so bad if my parents weren't strict and religious as fuck," she chuckled, "they weren't gonna kick me out or anything like that. It's just they had a hard time processing that I like girls too. For the longest they would tell me that I was just confused or I was going through a phase. I brought a girl home once, and after she left they banned me from ever bringing any girls into the house unless they were family. They would always try and arrange for me to date their friend's sons, and that didn't work out too well. It got to the point where I just blew up on them and told them that if they didn't accept me, I would leave and go live with my older cousin Derrick in New Jersey and never have anything to do with them again. They knew I was serious, so they changed their tune cause they didn't wanna lose their daughter, and here we are today in a much better space."

"That's a fucking blessing you know? Cause I know some homies who came out to they're parents and got kicked out, beaten, or worse," Calvin said.

"Yeah, I thank God that my parents loved me a little more than their religion, and accepted me. Of course if I were to bring a girl over and they were home, I would have to leave the door open. But that's better than being kicked out that's for damn sure," she laughed, "enough about me, what about you?"

"Well, I don't know," Calvin said trying to think of something interesting to tell Solána, "I never met my real dad. I know that sounds hella typical, but I never met him and I always wanted too. He died when I was 14. Lung cancer. I never knew why he didn't want anything to do with me. My younger brother and sister are lucky cause my stepdad Ben is their real dad. He's been around since I can remember. They've always had their pops. It just frustrated me because I felt left out when I would go to my other friend's house and they had their real father around. Always wanted to know what that was like and I never will. But I don't hate my dad. For a while I did but I let that shit go cause it's too much energy to hate a nigga I never met. I'm very grateful for Ben though. He's been very supportive of me. Plus he treats my mama good so I'm good."

"Damn," Solána sighed, "I'm sorry about your dad. Couldn't imagine life without mine. I can't help but feel sorry for your dad cause he missed out on a great son."

"You're gonna make me blush," Calvin smiled playfully.

Solána joined him in a laugh, and the two continued to enjoy the rest of their dinner while having a much lighter conversation.

Time passed and soon enough to the two found themselves on Solána's porch saying their goodbyes.

"I had a great time," Solána spoke with a genuine smile. "It's been a minute since a nice guy took me out. I appreciate you."

"You don't have to thank me," Calvin insisted, "I honestly don't want nothing from you but your company. You're so amazing. Being in your presence is something I really value. You grew on me kinda fast," he admitted.

"You're too sweet. I'll see you at school Monday yeah?"

Calvin paused and kissed her cheek before responding.

"Yeah, see you Monday Sos."

Solána waited at her front door until she saw Calvin get into his pickup truck and drive off into the quiet night.

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