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"You are one Eve stalker" Elesis said, dropping a few crumbs here and there as she inspected all the papers dedicated to Eve. Quickly pulling them away, I hissed "Don't touch that"

"You guys make a cute couple" She laughed, getting up on the counter of the kitchen.

"I thought you said you'll cook for me" I stated, trying to balance the plates onto the counter. Ignoring my comment, the crimson avenger quickly took the plate and stuffed her cheeks full. Her thighs were showing, making me look away on instincts. "Did Eve reject you or something?" The red head asked, in her hand was a picture of the queen.

"What makes you say that?" I said, already digging in

"Are you always alone?" She asked, putting her fork down.

"What's wrong with me being alone?"

"You seem so lonely, so alone" She murmured, playing around with her food. Then she stared at me with those yellow eyes of hers "Don't you feel lonely?"


"Are you gonna finish that?" I asked, reaching for her plate. She didn't object as I finished her food too before bringing it to the sink. She stayed silent until she got off the counter and pushed me away "I'll wash the dishes"

"Well then, suit yourself" I shrugged, getting back to my research. Papers everywhere.

Elesis POV

Elsword... Who...

That was when it snapped. My brother! The article mentioned something about him and I couldn't recognise him for a moment. I ran a hand through my hair and started crying, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Where... am I?"

What are you?

"Elesis?" A voice asked from behind me. I swung harshly at the owner of the voice before realising it was Add. My fist was inches away from his face before he dodged it. "Are you okay?" He asked

"I'm sorry, I ll be going out for a minute" I smiled weakly, grabbing for my sword and dashing out of the lab.


Ignoring her actions, I went back to researching eventhough there was an unsettling feeling in the bottom of my heart.

Elesis POV

"Elsword... Who else have I forgotten?" I mumbled, preying on the easy demons. It was hard to work with these clothes, yet I didn't seem to mind as each attack I gave turned stronger and stronger. "The red haired knight?" A voice asked slyly from behind me

I whipped my head backwards, holding my stance as I shouted "Who's there?!"

"I-I-I... I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else" The voice said softly as a girl stepped out into the open. She looks... familiar. She had soft features and dark brown hair that cascaded down her back. Flushing with embarassment, she quickly apologised and ran away.

Well, that's weird. Who is she? Red haired knight? Who's that?

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Add... Why are you here?" I grinned slightly, sheathing my sword.

"Can't I be here?"

"I don't want you to be here" I pouted

"Who was that girl?" He asked

"None of your concern, I'm afraid" I smiled, already going back to fighting the demons. His smile faltered a little before returning "You know, you are one arrogant lady"

"Once again, that is also none of your concern" I frowned. His tone shifted a little. As I waited for a reply, a hand found itself around my neck. "Add?" I choked, kicking and thrashing

"What do you mean you're none of my concern?" He whispered slyly into my ear "You're living with me now, you're mine"

"Add! Let go of me!" I shouted, my face flushed from the little amount of air.


What am I doing?

I'm hurting her...

"I'm s-sorry" I stammered, releasing my grip. She quickly pushed herself away, using a tree to support herself.

What am I doing?

She tensed, her grip around her sword tightening. I'm sorry...

"I don't know what came over me..." I mumbled, looking away. What is happening to me? I'm going crazy... I'm not crazy, God is... God made me like this. He made a world not ready to handle me...

"Add?" Elesis whimpered, rubbing a red imprint on her neck. I snapped back to reality and walked away with my dynamoes trailing behind "I just need some fresh air..."


"What do you want?!" I snapped, the words came out too harshly. She hesitated before sighing, her cold expression washing over her face so quickly, I didn't quite catch the change of tone "It's fine..."

She walked away first, her hair swaying in the wind as she continued "If you don't want me to stay, just say so"

I stayed still, looking at the sky as I sighed "What am I doing?"

The farther away she was, the more she just looked like a spot of blood on a perfect normal picture. Holding a hand up to my black and purple eye, I grinned "What's gotten over me?"

"You don't need her, she's just a crack to your perfectly normal solitude" A voice said inside me, stopping me from walking after her. That's right... she's just a crack in my solitude.

Elesis POV

"What did I do wrong? What have I done again?" I sighed, exasperated by the fact that I just angered the only person I've come to know. Suddenly, I came to a stop, staring blankly at my surroundings "Where the hell am I?"


"Hey, Add" Eun exclaimed, sitting silently beside me. I growled "I never allowed you to sit there"

"You never allow me to sit anywhere, so that's out of the question" She said. My mood became worse as I took another drink while Eun just sat there with a book, sneaking glances at me. Finally, she dropped her book and asked "There is something wrong with you, what is it?"

"You noticed? Oh my god! Is it the hair? The eyes? Or the fact that I'm staring at you like you're a fucking rat?" I rambled,

"I knew this would happen to you sooner or later, but.... actually nevermind" Her shy stupid personality was back. Her long white hair now just black. Her eyes looked everywhere but me as I sighed "I'm leaving"

"A-a-aad, what happened to you?" She quickly said, looking at me like I'm a freak. At least Eun was more entertaining. "Like I said, I'm leaving"

She looked like she was about to stop me but instead she fell over and I took this opprtunity to escape.

"Elesis?" The lab was quiet. Did she leave? Walking in, I inspected the place for a moment before cursing the world and jumping onto my dynamoes, back into the woods. Elesis...

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