Chapter 9- Valentins day

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February 14 a year I don't remember so clearly

Valentine's Day
For me, it is nothing special, has never been and probably will never be either. Even if it was once, once when I had love. But it was a while ago, I took it for granted and that was when it disappeared. When it disappeared, that's when I realized I really needed it. It became like an empty hold in my heart where it once was. Every time I think back to the memories I had with him, it just makes it harder to forget them.

Not because our love was good, not because we were lovers. We were children who knew nothing. We were more like best friends than lovers. Everything that happened after was just weird, I felt weird. He and one of his best friends, who was also one of mine, pretended not to exist. But I got a little happier when one of his friends I've known actually said something to me.

All the smiles you don't want some, but as you had to do. The tears you had to hold back to make yourself strong, when all you wanted to do was break down in front of someone.

But life goes on and you get older, you get to know new people who bring out the best in you. People who do not know that they make one happy, who do not know that one is barely there, but who are still always there. The hope that the day when he will talk to one makes the heart beat an extra beat and it makes one fight on, on in life.

Even everything horrible that you want to say to people you see, who behave like they are king over an entire country. A country where everyone should follow even the slightest hint. It happened one day, but that man got a slap in the face, literally. I hit him so hard that his hand hurt and a tooth flew out of his mouth. I laughed at it but, what do you say revenge is sweet. Or yes, I was beaten by a businessman later because I hit one of his best customers. I did have a blue cheek for a week afterwards but it was worth it.

Have a good continuation
Greetings Lane

A piece from Lane's diary

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