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I woke up with a banging headache. I tried to move my arms but for some reason I couldn't. I opened my eyes slowly, the room was dark the only light coming from a dimly lit light hanging from the ceiling. I looked down at my hands and feet, they were shackled to the concrete wall behind me. I tugged on them hoping that they weren't as strong as they looked but I was wrong. I heard footsteps coming down what sounded like stairs. I whipped my head around trying to find something useful however it was then when I realised I was in what appeared to be a cage.

As the footsteps grew louder I became more agitated. I grabbed onto the bars and shook them violently. All of a sudden the room became illuminated by bright yellow light. It was as if I was in some sort of dressing room. The footsteps had stopped as a door opened. Wilford walked in happy as ever.

"Oh Dark you're awake! Wonderful!"
"What the fuck do you want!?"
"Now, now, that's a harsh thing to say to your brother"
"You are no brother of mine, your more like a parasite if anything"

Wilford chuckled lightly to himself as he grabbed a small box and placed it down by a mirror. He opened the box and pulled out some cream which he whipped over his face before pulling out a sharp razor.

"What are you doing?"
"Why? I thought you adored that pink slug on your lips?"
"I do but everyone will soon be looking for a pink moustache murder and also we can't have poor little (Y/N) suspecting a thing can we?"

I launched at the bars when he said that, infused with anger I reached out for him and shuck the cage.

"If you even look at her ill-"

I was cut off by a jolt of electricity shooting my body against the wall. I groaned in pain as Wilford placed the razor down.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you, well unless you want 4,000 vaults running through your body"
"What are you going to do Wilford?"
"I'm going to replace you"

He said whilst picking up a pile of my clothes that he must have taken earlier. He undressed himself completely taking off his boxers as well.

"It'll never work, she'll realise"
"Well until then you can stay here and I'll go spend some quality time with her and even if she does realise what is she going to do it'll already be too late"
"if you even-"
"Shhhh now, now you're in no position to make threats"

He turned around and faced me. I knew we were twins but I didn't realise how similar we looked until now. But I knew (Y/N) wouldn't fall for it or at least I hope. He started heading towards the door and opened it slightly. He turned back to face me again.

"Don't work Darkiepoo I won't leave you all alone, you remember my friends don't you"

At that moment three animatronics came in carrying multiple TV screens.

"I also won't leave you constantly worrying about your beloved, at the end of the day stress makes you ugly and you're already half way there and what kind of host would I be anyway if I didn't entertain you slightly? These monitors will allow you to watch (Y/N) whenever you so wish to desire"

I looked at the animatronics as they set everything down.

"Wilford if you let me go I promise I won't say anything to the police"
"You must really care about her if your cowering at my feet"
"Please I'm begging you don't do this"
"Sorry Dark the warfstaches has gone there's no going back now, toddles!"

He closed the door and I was left alone with the animatronics staring at me with their bloody eyes.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry"


Let Darkness Deceive You ~ Darkiplier x Reader SequalWhere stories live. Discover now