Thirty One

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It was almost time. Anti and I were at the hospital with a monitor system that Felix sent over. Anti was laid in the bed familiarizing himself with the controls. I was on my feet pacing back and forth trying to shake off this eerie feeling. I know this is a bad idea why can't people just listen?

"Dark will you sit down you're making me dizzy"

He said calmly which of course irritated me further.

"How can I just sit down when we both know how much of a bad idea this is"
"Dark calm down, Felix's men can handle themselves"
"Yeah maybe they can handle themselves against any normal criminal but this is Wilford for christ sake he's the furthest thing away from normal!"
"I know but-"
"But what? I should be there!"
"Maybe so but your not and that's something you're just gonna have to deal with! now for christ sake sit down!"

I stared at Anti for a moment but he wasn't backing down. He was right but I didn't want to admit it or at least not vocally so I did as he said and sat down. Anti finally moved his focus back to the controls. He picked up the mic and turn it on.

"Agent Pewd do you copy? I repeat agent Pewd do you copy?"
"Roger that Anti, deployment in progress, moving in at O one hundred hours"


It had been a couple hours since Wilford left and I was starting to wonder when he was coming back. It was getting late I could tell. I began to wonder when this 'show' was going to start but I knew it would be soon. And if on cue he walked back in.

"Ready dollface?"

He walked over slowly. I struggled as much as I could in an attempt to loosen the restraints but it was useless. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pink ball gag and tied it tightly around my head. Reaching into his pocket again he pulled out a syringe.

"Don't worry this will only hurt a little"

After saying that he proceeded to stab it hard into my neck, injecting the material inside.

"You know you look quite sexy tied up like that and that muscle relaxant would make fucking you very easy and I wouldn't even have to worry about giving you a heart attack"

I could still feel the panic inside me start to build. He walked around me so he was behind. I hated not being able to see him. All of a sudden I was tipped backwards and wheeled out of the room. I wanted to move, I begged myself to move but I couldn't. We finally stopped outside on the balcony overlooking the woods.

"There you go, best seat in the house! Hope you enjoy"



It was time. I looked at Anti whilst I heard Felix give the order through the earpiece. I turned back to the monitors and watched as the men entered the thick woods which surrounded the house. As they got closer they and closer my anxiety started to grow.

"We're picking up an audio frequency"

One of the men reported.

"What is it?"
"It sounds like music"
"Probably a radio or something, keep going"
"Wait, Felix maybe-"
"Dark please we've got this"
"Eyes on the hostage"

I looked at the monitors and there she was. She was tied up and left on the balcony. There was no Wilford insight. I was so happy to see her alive but the whole situation couldn't be trusted.

"Permission to engage?"
"Permission Granted"
"For Christ sake Dark!?"
"Something doesn't feel right, don't you think this is a bit easy, especially for Wilford!?"

I heard a deep sigh come through the intercom.

"Perimeter check, anything suspicious?"
"Negative sir"
"Move in then"
"Felix stop this isn't right"

He didn't respond but the feed was still live, he was probably just ignoring me. Bastard. The squad moved out of the thick woods and now into the open shrubbery in front of the house.


Everything was silent in the darkness, the only interruption was the light buzz coming from the speakers above my head. But then it came, there was a faint russerling noise coming from the trees. I looked over to see faint shadowy figures enter into the clearing. As I looked closer I noticed that it was a SWAT team. I tried to scream but it just came out as muffled squeals. I stopped when all of a sudden everything was lit up by blinding lights and the buzzing of the speakers went off. It was replaced by an old-fashioned disturbing song played at high volume.


"What's going on?"

There was nothing but silence through the coms.

"Felix? Felix!"
"Its okay, I'm here, men what's going on?"
"There seems to be music playing sir"

The music grew louder in volume and began to seep in through the intercom. Anti turned to look at me with worry in his eyes.


I matched his worrying gaze and I knew that we were both thinking the same thing. It was all a trap.

"Felix! Get your men out of there! Now!"
"Dark calm down! What the hells wrong?"


The music grew in sound to an unbearable volume. I could still see the people in the bushes. I knew they were in danger but no matter how hard I tried to move or how hard I tried to scream, I couldn't stop them from the horror they were about to encounter. A sudden click noise grabbed my attention. I looked down to see a faint red glow through the floorboards of the balcony. I tried to see what it was. Then I realised. It was a countdown.


Let Darkness Deceive You ~ Darkiplier x Reader SequalWhere stories live. Discover now