Decisions and Expectations

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*coughs akwardly*

This chapter is about the decisions everyone makes that leads to a very eventful Saturday.

P.S. I've lost track of what day it is so I'm gonna call it Friday.

P.P.S. I know Kagura, Jellal and Akeno got a three day ban but I'm just gonna pretend that it was Tuesday they got it therefore they can be at school Friday.


Mira POV

"Sit down everyone. Be quiet." Ms Porlyusica snapped.

Everyone immediately took their seats, my own being between Wendy and Misaki. This class was for anyone who had an interest in medicine or healing. I didn't really but Ms Porlyusica suggested it to me because I was "a natural". The same with Wendy, Misaki and Chelia actually but they at least take an interest in it.

"Hey, Mira." Misaki greeted with a smile as she sat by me.

"Hey, Misa. Did you finsh the folio?"

"Course. Catch." She chucked the folio which I struggled to catch. As it almost fell - and myself with it - everyone else in the class snickered slightly except for Wendy, Chelia and the boy behind me.

"Quiet!" Porlyusica shouted again, glaring at those who failed to stop laughing. I shot her a smile in gratitude which she nodded to.

"Now then. Today, I'll be needing everyone's complete folios. If I find out you didn't do any work and let your partner do everything; detention."

A lot of the class paled, suddenly wishing they weren't so lazy.

"Uh huh. Mirajane? Would you mind collecting them in?"

"Sure thing." I smiled, standing up and making my way around the class. I winked at one of the guys who handed me his folio with a small blush. In return his face became as red as a tomato as his friends nudged him with smirks.

Once I'd collected them all I handed them in to Porlyusica who'd begun writing on the board. Taking my seat, I ignored the smirk Chelia was sending my way.

"Mirajane Strauss, Erza Scarlet and Kagura Mikazuchi to the Principle's office." The pda rang out.

I glanced at Ms Porlyusica, who nodded, before packing up my things and leaving. As I did I glanced at the boy from before, giving him a smile. I walked out with a smirk on my face thinking about how red his face was. What was his name again? Kyle...Karo. Kairo maybe. Did it even begin with a K?

My mind wondered to the second boy I'd caught staring at me - not like they all weren't though - with a very keen interest that I'd all but ignored. Choosing not to react. He sat behind me and was known as the hottest senior. Gray arrived and took hottest boy. That doesn't mean he's still not loved. Everyone has a crush on him and everyone ships him with me. The two most popular people in the school. Of course I can't though since I'm technically still seeing Hibiki as Mini. And that I'm banned from relationships by my father if it doesn't benefit my reputation in any way. Either way, Jase Cross and I, don't have a future.

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