Hael and the Kids

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A/N: Hey everybody. This chapter is for those who wanted more of Hael interacting with the kids and you got it. The picture is of on of Hael's dresses that she let's Lily borrow.

"So how long have you been traveling the world?" Inara asks.

"Oh a few years." Hael sighs as she brushes through Isobel's dark hair. "I stopped though. Missed home too much. And I haven't seen my family in a long time."

"Who are you going to visit again?" Jake asks. "Back in Beacon Hills?"

"Oh my cousin. She's nice and everything, but I'm not entirely sure how she is now. Last I checked she was worried about this group of friends she has and one of her friends dad was framed for murder along with a friend of hers, but I'm not sure about that."

"What exactly goes on over there?" Alex asks wrapping his arm around Lily's shoulders.

"I have no clue. Although I'm fairly sure I'll get a good taste of the craziness when I head over." Hael laughs.

"Hey Hael?" Lily asks.


"Where do you get those dresses? They're really cute." Lily says.

"Wait a second!" Trenton says jumping up. "My sister, the resident tom-boy, wants to know where someone got a dress because it's cute? I've died and gone to Heaven."

The group laughs and Hael stands up. "You could borrow one. It's old and doesn't fit me."


"Yeah." Hael says standing up. "I always bring another outfit in case I slip and fall in mud or knock someone over and get food all over myself. I'm a bit of a klutz."

"Well now we know where Belle gets that from." Trenton jokes, earning a slap upside the head from Angel and Inara. "Joking."

Hael rolls her eyes and grabs her bag from by the door and pulls out a sky blue sundress. Carefully she hands it to Lily. "This I got on a trip to England last year. Sun never shines there and yet they still sell sundress. I'm a little concerned about them." Hael says with a smile. "Go try it on."

Lily nods and rushes off to her room. Angel sits up and stares at the woman. "How did you travel the world for so long?"

"Well," Hael sighs walking back to the family room. "the Martin family isn't exactly poor. I mean my parents had money coming out of their ears and my cousin who lives in Beacon Hills always wanted to go with me on a trip around the wrold after she graduated from high school. So I told her I'd check out the best places before we went. I went on a trip and...well it took me a while to realize that if I wanted men to respect me, one I had to stop dressing so badly, and two I needed to stop acting like a spoiled brat. So I cleaned up my act as best as I could and decided to try and find my daughter."

"Why'd you really leave me with my dad?" Isobel asks. "He said that you told him you weren't ready to be a mom."

"In all honesty that was the first thing that came to my mind." Hael sighs. "I was very selfish when I had you. And by selfish if you look up the deffintion in a dictionary it would have a picture of younger me right next to it. It was all about me, me, me. I was actually catching up with an old friend in Brazil when she asked me if I was married and had kids. That's when I realized that she had done it right.

"She was happily married with three kids and another on the way and I was still going around doing everything for my own benefit. That was the day that I realized how horrible I could be and how much I wanted to change. So the last three years I went around apologizing to anyone I'd ever done wrong to and I remember someone, an original member of the travel group where I met your father, asked if I had gone back and helped him raise you and I said no. See when you were born I did everything I could to foget about you.

"I know, Worst Mother of the Decade right here. But it was because I was still so selfish. After a while I realized that the main reason I couldn't sleep at night was because you were growing up, and I was missing it. I had no idea what you were like or how much you would act like me or your father or another relative. I didn't know your favorite band, color, food, tv show, movie, book, etc. And that killed me. So that's why I came back. I figured that your dad had married, but I guess not."

"Dad doesn't like people." Isobel said simply. "Never has and I doubt he ever will enough to marry or start dating."

Hael nodded. "That sounds like the Nico I remember. Anywyas. I figured that you'd want nothing to do with me and I compleatly understand if you do. In fact I wasn't expecting you to be so nice to me."

"Well your my mom." isobel says. "I think it's best to give you a chance. Even if it does turn out that you're still like how you were back then, at least I got to meet you."

"What'd I miss?" Lily asks rushing into the family room wearing the sundress.

"Wow." Hael smiles. "That looks better on you than it ever did on me. Almost like it was made for you."

"She's not joking." ALex and Jake says at the same time breathlessly.

Lily smiles and does a little turn around. Even though she hadn't been in the room she heard everything Hael had said. While she hated what the woman did to her cousin, she couldn't hate the woman herself.

A/N: Oh. My. God. It took me FOREVER to figure out how to word Hael's little speech on past her and current her. I hope you like it. Sorry if it got a little wordy, but I'm really proud of the chapter and I hope you guys like it as well. Tell me what you think. -G

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