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Maka stared up at the steps that led to Death-Weapon-Miester-Academy, more commonly known as the DWMA. It was exactly as her mother had described it. The Three giant white skulls that formed the entrance, the giant eternally burning candles, and the red tiled towers that reminded her more of a fairy tale castle than a school.

But, her mother had neglected to mention one thing. The Stairs.

But Maka was an Albarn. Daughter to one of the DWMA's most celebrated miesters, and the reigning idio...reigning Death Scythe. Stairs would not defeat her. No matter how many there seemed to be. Nodding to herself, she lifted her leg, and took her first step towards her new life.


"Chill out Black*Star." Soul sighed as his friend continued to excitedly bounce around the hallways, his miester watching him with amusement.

"He's just excited Soul, he hasn't seen Maka for years" Tsubaki explained, smiling.

Soul rolled his red eyes, "I know. He hasn't shut up about it since he found out. A month ago."

Tsubaki gave him another sympathetic smile. "He'll calm down once he see's her."

Soul grunted in response, obviously not placated.

The trio continued down the halls, Black*Star leading the way, loudly announcing his presence to everyone. Soul sighed again. His best friend really was getting on his nerves this morning.

"So..." Tsubaki glanced up innocently, "are you going to the miester-weapon social tonight?"

Soul's annoyed expression changed to a blank slate of bored. Tsubaki bit her lip nervously. Soul had been annoyed before, now he was angry. "I dunno. Lord Death told me I should go."

She knew she was walking on broken glass, but she couldn't stop now. "You really should Soul, it would be so much easier for you if you could just find a partner."

He sniffed, lifting his hand and pointing at the bulletin board that held missions. "No offense Tsubaki, but I've completed fifteen missions alone already. You and Black*Star haven't even gotten your first soul together."

Soul was trying to bait her into an argument. It was his defensive mechanism. And even thought Tsubaki knew that, she could still feel her temper rising. "We may not have as many soul's as you."

"None" her interjected in his infuriating bored tone.

"But at least neither of us get's hurt every time we go on a mission."

He scowled, absentmindedly reaching up and rubbing the bandage that was still wrapped around his neck from his most recent assignment. "I don't care about how I get there, it's the end result that matters."

She sighed, stopping and grabbing his arm gently. He tensed up for a moment, before looking up at the taller girl next to him, his eyes guarded. "I just don't want you getting hurt Soul. It scares me every time I have to see you in the infirmary. And it scares Black*Star too, even if he won't admit it."

Soul felt his throat tighten at her soft tone. Letting out a heavy sigh, he nodded. "Alright, I'll go to the stupid Social if nothing comes up. But you and Black*Star better be there too."

She let go of his arm, all seriousness draining from her face and into a smile. "Of course!"

"Hey! Mortals!" Black*Star called from further up the hallway, "Your God has somewhere to be, hurry up!"

Tsubaki let out a little laugh and ran off after her partner, leaving Soul to trudge after them annoyed that he had let himself be guilt tripped yet again. "What's the big hurry, it's just another stupid girl?" Rolling his eyes, he took another few slow steps when an idea struck him. A horribly devious idea.

Weapon Wanted: Meister Not. (soulXmaka fanfic) (soul eater)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя