An experiment

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An Experiment?

Maka was awoken by the pleasant warmth of natural sunlight streaming through the window and across her face. Sighing in content, she stretched, still keeping her eyes closed, simply relishing the feeling of the warm blankets piled around her. She was glad Soul had given her the extra blanket.


Her eyes snapped open and she sat up, looking around the room he had let her stay in. She had been to tired to investigate the night before, but now she could tell it was quite nice. The bed was the perfect size for her, and pushed into the opposite corner was a simply writing desk with a bookshelf built across the top. She smiled, thinking of how she could fill it with all of her favorite. But slowly that smile faded away as reality slapped her hard across the face. She wasn't going to be here long if Soul wouldn't accept her as his miester. She let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

Maka looked up. Apparently Blair had moved from the couch and had instead taken up residence near the foot of Maka's bed. "Soul."

Blair cocked her head to the side, concerned "What's wrong with Soul?"

"Nothings wrong with him" Maka assured the cat, besides the fact that he could be a jackass, "I just want him to be my weapon partner and he wont let me."

Blair popped to her feet and stretched languidly, "Oh, that's not good. Why don't you just seduce him then? That's what I do when I want to get my way." Maka's jaw dropped causing the cat to giggle.

"I-I can'!"

"Why not?" She purred, eyes glowing mischievously, "It won't even be that hard, he's attractive at least."

Maka blushed, shaking her head, "That's not how things work. Miester-Weapon partnerships work! They have to be built in a foundation of trust." Blair rolled her eyes. "Without trust, they can lose their resonance abilities and put each other in danger. That's why my mama..." She paused for a moment, swallowing hard, "That's why mama had to stop using my papa."

Blair gave the girl a questioning gaze, but didn't pry. "So...what are you going to do?"

Maka sighed, throwing the covers away and slipping onto the floor, grateful for the long shirt Blair has been able to prove for her to sleep in. "I'm going to go and find Soul."

Blair yawned as she watched Maka march determinedly out of the room before calling out. "You know he already went to school, right?"

Maka came barging back into the room, eye's wide, "What?"

Blair nodded, "Yeah, he woke up really early! He told me to tell you that you don't have classes until next week, because you're supposed to be finding a partner. Ironic huh?"

Maka fought down the urge to scream at the feline. She needed to get dressed, head to the academy, and get to work on Soul. But she didn't have an extra change of clothes! They were all at Tsubaki. This time she did let out a little scream.

"What's wrong now Maka?" Blair asked, obviously amused at her small tantrum.

"My clothes are dirty, and the rest are at Tsubaki's." She groaned.

"Oh, is that all?" Blair raised one of her paws towards the pile of Maka's clothes. "Pum-pum-pumpkin!"

Maka let out a little shriek of horror as he clothes suddenly surged towards her with a life of their own. Fighting past her struggling limbs, the articles easily found there way onto her slender body and in moment she was fully dressed in perfectly clean clothes.

"Oh" Maka let out a squeak of surprise, "Thank you Blair..."

"No problem," The cat leered, looking at her skirt, "You know, I could make that skirt shorter for you. Might help you with Soul!"

Weapon Wanted: Meister Not. (soulXmaka fanfic) (soul eater)Where stories live. Discover now