Oh come on!

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Oh come on!

Maka swung the practice weapon around experimentally, testing its weight. Nodding to herself, she glanced over at Tsubaki. "How good is Soul? Really?"

"Good" she replied without hesitation. "He spars with Black*Star almost daily, and you know him..."

Maka nodded starting back towards the waiting Stein, gulping slightly. Black*Star was a good fighter when she had last seen him, now he seemed great. "Anything I should know then?"

Tsubaki kept pace with the smaller girl, "Just be ready for anything. I haven't been on a mission with him for a long time, but I know he has been working on more and more partial transformation. There's no telling how many blades he could have hidden on him."

She nodded again, going silent as they reached the waiting group. She could see Soul smirking behind Stein, his hands shoved in his pockets. She was going to wipe that stupid looked right off his face.

"Alright" Stein lit up another cigarette, "This will be a one on one battle. Both of you will use dulled weapons." he glanced pointedly at Soul who nodded. "You may begin...now"

Maka's eyes snapped wide open and she swung the scythe down, trying to catch Soul before he could get ready. But he simply sidestepped, the blade passing innocently though empty space and plant in the ground.

"Huh, kinda slow" He taunting, looking at the embedded scythe blade. He turned his attention back to Maka just in time to catch a double-footed kick in the chest as she used the planted scythe for leverage.

With a grunt, Soul was launched backwards. Twisting his body, he landed lightly on his feet, taking his hands from his pockets and rubbing his chest lightly. The little brat was strong, unexpectedly so. He smiled, letting his forarm transform into a scythe blade.

He charged forward, swiping low to trip the smaller girl up. But she easily avoided the blow with a small hop and brought the scythe blade around down again, forcing him to roll back. Springing to his feet, he lashed at her again, his blade connecting with the handle of the scythe.

"You're fast" he nodded as he pressed harder, adding his weight and forcing her to keep both hands tightly on her weapon to his one, "But a weakling."

Her eye's flashed at the insult, and she brought her knee up and caught him in the stomach, breaking their momentary lull. With a snarl, he drove his blade forward. She brought the scythe back around for the block, but realized to late that this left his other hand free to attack her. He stuck her hard in the side, forcing the air from her lungs.

Letting out a growl of pain, Maka flipped away from the weapon, regarding him coldly from behind her scythe while he still continued to smile that infuriating smile. She had tested him. He was fast, and he was strong. But she was better! Letting out a cry, she surged towards him again.

Soul watched as Maka crossed the distance between them, lowering his center of gravity slightly. He just might have to kick it up a notch. But still, it was going to be an easy fight.


Stein watched with quiet interest as the two students continued to battle, filling the air with the shrill ping of metal on metal. He closed his eyes for a moment, before letting them slide back open, now seeing the world though a different light.

Eater's rather large soul was shining. He loved to fight, especially if he thought he was going to win. On the surface, he was cocky, arrogant, and at times lazy. But he was also determined, something he shared with the soul he was currently battling with.

He turned his eyes towards Spirits daughter. He almost wanted to laugh. Her soul was remarkably similar to her mothers, Small and powerful, radiating with energy and desperate to prove herself. And there was something else there, fringing the surface. There was a longing.

Weapon Wanted: Meister Not. (soulXmaka fanfic) (soul eater)Where stories live. Discover now