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Cassian walked into the medical bay slowly, not trying to strain his still healing legs. The familiar smell of bacta filled his lungs, taking the halls he knew to visit Jyn again.

It was killing him. Ever since he was released, he continuously visited Jyn every day. He couldn't stand that he was constantly in the unknown. Every day he would sit in there until he was kicked out, just watching the rise and fall of her steady breathing. He liked to know she was alive. It brought him comfort since Scarif. Well, some comfort.

He would usually talk to her. He knew that sometimes people could hear while in comas. Not that if she ever woke up, she would remember it.

Cassian took part in the great mission to blow up the death star. He piloted alongside many great rebel pilots and blew the thing to dust. He raced back to Yavin 4 shortly after, sprinting to the medical bay, still in his pilot suit and helmet tucked under his arm, and raced to Jyn's side. He took her cold hand in his warm, alive one.

"The death star is no more," he had said, rubbing a circle into Jyn's limp hand, "We did it, Jyn. You should have seen it. You would have smiled and laughed like the rest of us," his voice broke, blinking away forming tears, "I know your father is proud. So are K2, and Chirrut, and Baze."

And Cassian had stayed there, holding her frail hand, until Jyn's nurse had kicked him out again.

He was on his way for his daily visit with her, and upon walking through the door, he froze.

The medical bed was made neatly, the room anew and ready for its next patient.

Was he in the right room? He shot a look at the room number, confirming that yes, this was Jyn's room. He frantically looked left and right down the halls, searching for Jyn's nurse, immediately jumping to the horrific conclusion that she had died. His breathing became hoarse. He didn't get to say goodbye. No. He needed her. How could he be so close to anybody else? Jyn saw that pain from his past and accepted him for it, as he did with her. There was nobody else Cassian cared for more. Nobody he wanted to get remotely close to. He was on the verge of a breakdown before he turned a corner and bumped into somebody.

Before he had the time to snap and break at whoever it was, he heard a familiar voice.

"Captain Andor?"

Jyn's nurse.

"Where's Jyn?" He shot, stepping closer to her, analyzing her face to see if she was a bearer of bad news.

The nurse understood Cassian's obvious concern, and placed a hand on his arm. Cassian began to panic, worrying she was trying to comfort him, his eyes sharp and blazing.

"Captain Andor, she's alive. I just came back from helping her to her quarters."

Cassian's heart starting to pump out of his chest, and immediately took off in a sprint down the halls to the housing part of the base, despite the nurse's cries to "Wait!" behind him.

Jyn was sitting on her bed, criss-crossed. She felt so defeated. She was still crying weakly. It wasn't like she could do much. She knew the general idea of her small issued room. Her bed, the bedside table, and the dresser on the opposite wall. There wasn't much to know. Still. She felt like she needed help doing anything. It was demeaning - especially for somebody like Jyn.

She heard rushed footsteps coming down her hall. She sniffled and wiped her tears, wondering if it was somebody coming to see her. The nurse had left her door open with a call button to the med bay in case she needed help with anything. The person stopped at her door. They breathed heavily, like they were worried, and then their breath caught in their throat.


She recognized the voice immediately.

Jyn turned her head more towards the sound of his voice to hear him better. "Cassian," she cooed, his name rolling off her tongue like a prayer. She stood up off her bed, trying to turn her body towards him. Cassian wasted no time rushing to her and wrapping his arms around her. Just like the beach at Scarif.

Jyn melted into him, feeling like she could finally see, in a way, wrapping her arms around his back and nuzzling into the crook of his neck. "Cassian," she cooed again, crying once again.

"I thought you were dead," He rasped, tears stinging his eyes, "I thought you were gone."

Jyn shook her head. "I couldn't leave you."

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