1. You Meet {Alex Standall}

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"Come on, Y/N! Please come to the party", my cousin, Clay, insisted for the twentieth time. "You'll have a lot of fun, I promise..."

"I don't want to go, Clay. You know how much I hate parties. All of them are the same thing: reckless teens with a lot of booze, couples making out all over the place and drunk guys trying to take advantage of you", I said facing him while numbering the reasons with my fingers. I was about to continue, but the genius interrupted me.

"Okay, okay stop it there. I got you.", He sat on my bed, lips twisted as he took my little stuffed dog by the ears, "look at it this way, you're new to Liberty High and this is the first party of the year. You'll meet people there." I rolled my eyes and sat, taking the little dog away from him playfully.

"I already know Tony."

"But Tony's my friend", he said in an obvious tone, as I rolled my eyes again while he chuckled softly. "You can meet Jeff and... Hannah.", he paused a little before saying the second name, as a tiny unconscious little smile was drawn on his lips. I smiled in awe and chuckled a little, ready to tease him.

"Hannah like your Hannah?" I stood on my knees, as I saw him blush a bit.

"She's not 'my' Hannah", he defended himself and made quotation marks with his fingers while saying 'my'. "At least not yet" he mumbled the lowest he could, thinking I wouldn't listen, but he failed because I did.

"My Clay is in looove" I sang and smiled as the hopeless romantic I was. "You know what, Clay? I'll go so I can meet her and fangirl about you guys. Haven't you asked her out yet?" I said hopping off my bed quickly, heading to the bathroom. "Gee, you should've already. You've been crushing on her since you met her" I closed the bathroom door and bit my lower lip holding back my laughter. There was nothing like teasing Clay.


Later that night, Tony dropped us off at the party and as Clay rang the doorbell I regretted coming to it. This was probably the worst idea I've ever had. And I'm the queen of bad ideas. Some drunk guys opened the door and chanted Clay's name. He moved his head telling me to follow him and so I did.

"Damn, Clay... seems like you brought good company", the guy who opened the door said, while checking me out. I rolled my eyes as I heard him and the other guys laugh. I was about to shut him up when Clay pulled me towards his direction.

"What are you doing? I was about to have a friendly interaction with that idiot." I complained loudly, since the music blasted. He grinned and shook his head.

"Shush, smartmouth" We kept making our way through the crowd, while some people greeted us. Finally, we stopped in a quieter place. "Oh, hey Alex. What's up?" I looked at the guy Clay was talking to.

"It's a party, so I'm pretending to have fun." Alex replied, and I couldn't help but chuckle. It was so relatable. I felt his gaze turn to me, and he gave me a small closed-lips smile. I felt my cheeks get a little bit red as I bit my lower lip and cursed myself. "Oh, who's this?" he asked Clay, looking at me.

"Oh, this is my cousin, Y/N. She just moved and switched schools to Liberty High" he replied with a grimace, while looking at me.

"Sounds cool", he said with a smile and extended his hand for me to take it, which I did. "The name's Alex Standall. Welcome, I guess. It sucks here." He stated honestly and shrugged. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Nice to meet you, Alex. I'm Y/N Y/L/N, and thank you, I guess." I let go of his hand with a shy smile.

"Okay, perfect" Clay opened his arms a little and then clapped once. "Seems like you've met someone." I opened my eyes widely, knowing what he was about to do. My gaze warned him to not leave me here, but he didn't seem to care. He smiled with malice and started walking backwards. "Have fun you guys!"

"Clay!" I let out a gasp and Alex chuckled lowly. Mental Note: Kill Jensen. I thought.

"So I guess it's just us" Alex raised an eyebrow and I nodded a bit. Not very long after, a couple of guys with blue and white jackets crashed the dining room with lots of loud laughter and yelling. "Would you like to go outside?" My new acquaintance added. I sighed in relief.

"Yes, please." I smiled and he motioned with his head for me to follow. We passed through a lot of people and many couples making out in the couch, others throwing up while being filmed. Alex turned his head to check if I was behind him, and gave me a 'this is ridiculous' look when he saw the surroundings.

I fixed my black and white bomber jacket as I walked down the stairs. It was very chilly outside and the music was just part of the background by now. Alex sat on a white bench, and patted next to him so I could sit.

"Much better" I sat while looking at the sky. It was a beautiful starry night. There were no clouds, just many, many stars.

"I agree. So, you just moved here?"

I nodded, "Yeah, about two weeks ago", my gaze went back to him.

"And why's that? You know, if it's okay" he quickly added.

"It's cool. Well, my parents got divorced this summer, so my mom wanted a fresh start." I looked down. I realized that I actually didn't think about it these past weeks, but truth is, it hurt like hell. Alex bit his lip and looked at me.

"Oh...", he managed to say. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay", I shook my head and sighed. We stayed quiet for a little bit, and I stared at him for a moment. I looked at his features. He was in fact, very cute. I actually liked his funny blonde hair. He seemed a bit nervous, though. As if he was thinking of what to say.

"Wanna get out of here?", he lifted his head and caught me staring. I suddenly got a bit nervous, because I hadn't been smooth at all. I cursed myself, again.

"Why would I get out of here with you?" I shrugged it off, raising an eyebrow cheekily.

"Well, we both have a common hatred to parties as I can see."

"Am I that obvious?" He tilted his head and agreed, wrinkling his nose. We both let out a small chuckle. "And where are you taking me?" I asked with a hint of curiosity. He thought for a little while, and then his eyes lit up, as if he'd had the best idea ever.

"Do you like coffee?", he asked arching an eyebrow.


Hey guys!!

So, there goes the first imagine! Sorry it's a bit long, though. I hoped you liked it :) What did you think about it? Please vote if you liked it, comment any feedbacks/requests and I'll be happy to read them.

Hopefully, I'll be posting daily or every two days, depending on how much time I get. *sighs*
Thanks for reading!
Much love,

-{m.h} // oceanjoy

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