3. You Meet {Justin Foley}

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Hey guys! I know it's been over a year and I can't believe I only wrote two imagines :( I suck, I know. But I brought a new one and hopefully a couple more. I'm a bit out of practice, so I'm sorry if this one's not so good. Regardless, I hope you like it so here it is: 


I'm glad to say that I've survived my first week at Liberty High. It's not so different from my old school: the jocks are the kings, the cheerleaders are their queens, and everybody else is a peasant. I've tried to be careful since I've seen that rumors spread like fireballs and the looks and whispers don't stop.

"See you on Monday, Y/N!" said HannahBaker, my newest friend. She was very nice, but there was something in her eyes... something dull and opaque that I haven't figured out yet.

The long hall was filled by the sound of the noisy jocks playing and fooling around, pushing and messing with the other kids. I rolled my eyes in disgust when I saw the way they looked at women when they walked past them; full of lust and desire, as if they were an object to possess and not a human beings. That's probably what I hate most about the jocks: they think that they own the school and can do whatever they want to whomever they want.

"They're ridiculous" I scoffed and mumbled while I tried to put my locker's combination. I had tried the numbers on the paper a gazillion times and it just wouldn't work.

"Who are?" said a male voice right beside me. I peeked from the corner of my eye and saw one of the jocks with the blue varsity jacket. Determined and decided to ignore whoever the hell he was, I didn't bother on moving or saying anything at all. "Do you need help with that?" he rested his body on the lockers and while he gripped the strap of his backpack with a grin. "So... the cat got your tongue?" he said teasingly with a small chuckle.

I turned fully and slowly to face him, and if looks could kill... oh boy, he'd already be buried seven feet underground. "Look... I don't know who you are and I don't know what your deal is either, but I clearly don't need your help." I spat while he still had that stupid smile plastered in his face.

"Yeah... I wouldn't be so sure about that" he spoke sarcastically and wrinkled his nose while tilting his head. My jaw tensed and I gulped as I analyzed his soft features and saw the resemblance: his light brown hair complimented by his beautiful smile, his soft brown eyes with such a deep gaze that inspired a feeling of... home and safeness, the pinch of sarcasm in his voice, his confidence, the way his jacket made contrast against his skin... he was exactly everything I was running from.

I rolled my eyes and kept on trying to make the stupid combination work. He shook his head and approached his hand to mine, taking the paper from my fingers and moving the lock to the same numbers I had just tried seconds ago. "In case you haven't seen, I just did th- what the hell?" I heard the locker creak open and my eyes widened in disbelief. I had just done that! "And now there's that stupid smile again" I opened the door while putting the books inside the locker and closed it again. "The name's Justin by the way. JustinFoley."

Justin's POV

I waited patiently besides her locker while she placed her books inside. She was taking forever but she wouldn't get rid of me so easily. I need to figure out why she acts so pissed off when I'm around but she's so nice with other people. What the hell did I even do? She sighed as she closed her locker and walked past me.

"Thanks" was the only thing I got back; a dry, harsh thanks. Her pace was quick but I was quicker and kept up while opening the big crystal door for her.

"Is that it? Just a 'thanks'? Not even a thank you kiss? I mean, that's the least you could do." I said playfully, with the intention of teasing her a little to make her ease up a little bit. She stopped clear and firm and turned around with a deadly look.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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