Professor Fuck Up

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Part 2 of Professor Gallagher:

Watching Phillip from the side of the hallway was not what you were planning on doing today but hearing all the fucks and watching him shove Professor Youens into his classroom was something you wouldn't be expecting

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Watching Phillip from the side of the hallway was not what you were planning on doing today but hearing all the fucks and watching him shove Professor Youens into his classroom was something you wouldn't be expecting. You stood in complete stillness until Phillip began walking in your direction causing you to think fast and the best and only idea that popped into your head was dropping your textbook "Can't you see where the fuck I'm walking." Phillip sneered very pissed off at the moment "Yeah cause I'm blind and now thanks to you also deaf." you said sarcastically waiting for Phillip to lift his head to look you in the eyes and when he finally did he began laughing.

"You saw that shit?" he asked laughing hysterically "Okay Gallagher you have officially fucking snapped huh?" you asked locking your arm around his and you began to walk towards the exit of the building "You think?" he asked looking at you not commenting on where you to were going "Oh I never said I think, Gallagher from the minute I saw you I KNEW you had lost your shits." you said laughing a little "What gave it away? My perfect school records? Last name? Or the dorm parties?" he asked looking ahead not minding the eyes watching us.

"None of that shit Phillip. I knew from the hurt in your eyes." you said softly so no one could hear what you had said. This caused him to stop in his tracks "What do you mean?" he asked looking at you wide eyed "Let's talk somewhere private and I'll explain." you said tugging his arm forward so you could continue to walk. The walk had been silent since your statement until you made it to your apartment off campus "Welcome to my humble abode." you said gesturing to the shabby apartment, it wasn't much but it was yours, Phillip looked around the apartment before sitting on the couch "Now do you care to explain what you meant?" he asked looking at you lazily.

"Phillip when you came into my room to talk to me, you looked like you were hit by five cars and I knew you weren't in an accident so that means something shitty was happening, your little blow up today, you always getting piss faced drunk. Sure normal college kids do that but not all the fucking time. What are you so desperately trying to forget? What are you running away from? Cause I don't think it's sunk in yet that you were FIRED from your TA job, you know the only reason you were still attending school, ring any bells?" you said standing pacing back and forth "Why the fuck do you suddenly care about me and my school work huh, we aren't fucking friends I don't know a fucking thing about you. SO back the fuck out of my life." Phillip said getting up from your couch and making his way to the door but you grabbed his arm tightly.

"Phillip, how can you be so smart and so stupid. Every time you were pissed face drunk I brought you here, changed your clothes, cleaned you up, gave you medicine, waited for you to finishing puking, fed you if you asked for food, listen to you complain and whine meanwhile the people in the dorm never gave a fuck but I did, and not because we had to be friends but because it was the right thing to do. It's even funny that you say that because EVERY TIME you were drunk you would look for me, knew who I was and what I was doing, where we were going, all the time and when you would finally fall asleep I would get you in my car and drag you back to your dorm as if nothing happened. So give me the attitude and anger all you want but remember when no one had your back I did, I was the first person you told about Helene and didn't tell a fucking soul, but hey walk out the door to keep getting kicked around by people who openly don't give a fuck." you said starting to walk to your kitchen but felt arms wrap around you pulling you into a deep embrace.

Just as you had turned around you felt Phillip's lips on yours slowly deepening into your mouth explore each and every corner as if his life depended on it "Where the fuck have you been my whole life." he said kissing you once more "In my room stressing over school but hey nice to meet you too." you said which caused you both to laugh " Wait, so you've seen me naked already?" he asked causing you to burst out in laughter "God more times than you can count Gallagher." you said walking into your kitchen still laughing. Kindness isn't such a bad thing you thought while looking for something to prepare and allowing happy thought to float around your head because for once you were truly happy.

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