White Boy

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You were relaxing with your brother outside on the porch of your house in the South side of Chicago, a place that is known for regular police officers passing by and unnecessary arguments and drugs

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You were relaxing with your brother outside on the porch of your house in the South side of Chicago, a place that is known for regular police officers passing by and unnecessary arguments and drugs. You didn't mind all that much because you never truly bothered with any of that but your older brother on the hand had been sentenced to jail time for a numerous amount of crimes but you would always love him because he was your other half.

Where you lacked in streets smarts you excelled in book smarts and vise versa when it came to your brother, you had been laying on his lap reading while he waited for one of his men to come and talk about the "business" as your brother called it but you knew what he meant you just never questioned him because you preferred not to get involved.

"Yo, Cracker, what's up." You brother said getting up causing you to groan moving into an upright position you noticed him and the younger boy did their guy hug which you always found weird, you laughed a little causing them to look in your direction "This your bitch?" The white boy said causing your brother to burst out laughing while you on the other hand was not impressed or pleased so you stood in front of the boy "White boy, I'm no ones bitch. So watch yourself." You said standing in his face before flipping your hair and walking back inside up to your room.

You weren't street smart but you had the quickest tongue, a bad attitude and temper, and held your own in any fight but most people didn't know that because they are so use to the sweet and nice (Y/N) but when in the South side you trust no one, you learned that the hard way sadly. You were listening to music and doing homework when you say your door open removing your headphones you looked to see the white boy from downstairs "Can I help you white boy?" You said sharply glaring at him noticing him examining your room "Nah, I thought this was the bathroom." He said walking into your room looking at your desk.

You got off the bed and walked over to him "Well since it isn't you can get out now." You said pushing his shoulders back "Yo, you too touchy-feely, at least ask my name before screaming it." The white boy said grabbing his crotch area causing you to scoff "Fuck no, now get out." You said now shoving him out of your room slamming the door on his face once he was outside. "Dick." You mumbled under your breath returning back to your homework until you heard a knock on your door causing you to roll your eyes.

"Yo white boy , you don't stop do you." You said while opening the door to unveil your brother who looked very guilty at the moment "(Y/B/N) what did you do?" You said crossing your arms while giving him a challenging look "You know I need to do my business to support us..." he said trailing off which caused you to nod.

"Well the white boy, Carl, he says he won't be involved in that business unless I get you to agree to be his fake girlfriend to piss off his ex." He said looking at you with sad eyes, you sighed loudly you couldn't stay mad at your brother for very long because you knew he meant well and didn't want you to feel like you had to do anything against your will "Okay. For how long? And how much business we talking?" You said, you weren't the best at street smarts but you weren't a sucker.

"About a week, and big money (Y/N/N)." He said sounding hopeful as to your answer, you sighed "Alright." You said rolling your eyes when you saw your brother nearly beam a ray of joy "Get some sleep little sis, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." Your brother said kissing your forehead and then began to walk to his room and you to yours.

"Fuck." You said as you laid down and began to focus on the ceiling not ready for what tomorrow held. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." You repeated until you'd finally fell asleep and woken the next day "Show time." You whispered to your reflection in the mirror. 

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