My love and my mate.

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School was hard for me.

That's the biggest understatement in the world.

With my heightened senses and uncontrollable temper, school was made a living hell. I was a scrawny little bugger, my black hair would always be knotted and there would always be some sort of grub on my face. But i started to study hard after my parents died and I failed my 'first shift'.

Yup, I'm a werewolf , and despite all the books and stories, movies and all that, it sucks. It's not magical or enchanting, It's horrible.

For instance, the first shift. Your bones snap, in starts with you fingers, then moves to hands, and while its working on your arm both of your ankles will snap, then your shins and shoulder blades, before you spine and neck. All of this happens in the space of an hour, when you are eleven. There is no painkiller for this, no way out of it either. The blood is everywhere and the bones, the ones that just snapped, start to rearrange themselves into a different order completely. While the bones are shifting so is your skin, stretching to cover those knew, bigger bones that are scrapping on your entire nervous system. Then, the magic is triggered, your whole body goes numb except for your throat, which is burning like hell itself.

Your place, in a pack, is determined by the growl you make, when your throat stops burning, which is after you hunt and kill an animal.

If your wolf is small and has a tiny growl, well, lets just say you wont be alpha.

But if you get up after all that pain, and show the rest of the pack what you got, and if what you've got is good, you will be high up in the pack.

You can imagine how gutted you would be if you went through all of that pack to a lousy regular or omega.

It would suck.

But in my case, this does not cut out.

Nobody knows what I will be, Because I have not shifted yet.

I know, a wolf that can't shift? It makes no sense, but I was in a coma when It was my turn, I could not shift, I'm eighteen and I still can't shift. The pack tease me, calling me molly no shift. I know they're joking but... It still hurts.

But, I have Jake.

He is my best friend in the whole world. If I ever lost him I would die of sadness.

I love him, He's the brother I never had, my shoulder to cry on, my best friend forever.

So despite the little glitch in my wolf at the moment, life is still good.  I have fun, I laugh, I smile, I play.

The pack that I will be apart of, is all of the children from the last pack. We all, offspring and parents, live in one huge house. We have the best parties here, we invite all neighbouring packs, even the main one, the biggest pack in this whole Continent. I've never met any of them, me and Jake end up ditching it and hanging out in the garden with a bottle of tequila.

He knows how to have fun.

We all have mates, our other half, the one that is quite literally our other half.

Basically we only have half of a soul.. the other we share with a partner. A soul mate.

I don't want a soul mate, what kind of normal person would want me? I wont deny that I'm pretty, or 'hot' as I have been called numerous times in this house, but Im a disgrace to the pack.

I'm a werewolf that cant shift.

Jake, will be the alpha of this pack, so you can see why us being very close is frowned upon.

But life goes on.


The boiling water pounds down on the back of my neck and spine, relaxing all my muscles as I sigh with relief. Today Jake told me his mother had given him the weekly lecture. She tells him all of the time, sometimes when I'm standing right there that He needs to find a new play toy, that I am not suitable for the soon to be alpha. The pain and distress, the anger that boils inside both of us when she does this is enough to kill.

'' It's not proper, for a person of your ranking to be so.. close with her Jake'' She would always say in her too high voice, her bright red lipstick taking your attention away from her words and too how ridiculous she looked. The warm, amazing showered turned cold.

'' JAKE I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!'' I screamed, jumping out and wrapping a towel around myself.The sound of the flush was still lingering as he sat on the seat laughing, holding his sides while his face was all screwed up.

I looked around, looking for something to hit hi with when my eyes landed on the bucket under the leaky sink. The one full of water. I picked it up, he couldn't see me past his scrunched up eyes as I wobbled over to him and poured it all over him.

'' MOLLY!'' he shouted. I dropped the bucket and ran outside, running down the mahogany stirs, jumping the last six of of them.

'' MOLLY!'' he shouted again, right on my tail. Not literally, I don't have a tail. YET.

'' HELP ME!'' I shouted laughing as I clutching the top of the towel wrapped around my body. I dodged around Jake's dad and too my extreme please Jake smashed right into him.

'' If you want to run, Jake, go outside. I feel like Your five again son.'' He said laughing he paused.      '' Jake, your soaking wet.'' He pointed out. Jake's blond hair was soggy and his clothes were rumpled. He growled at me playfully and I stuck my tongue our, getting an amused smile from his dad. His dad was so nice, unlike his mother.

'' SHE soaked me!'' He said, pointing to me.

'' Did you soak him?'' His dad, Simon, the current alpha asked me.

'' Yes, BUT, he flushed the look WHEN I WAS IN THE SHOWER!'' I said, pointing and accusing finger to Jake.

'' Did you?'' Simon asked, laughing a little. I slapped his shoulder playfully. Jake pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, a move which made him look around about six.

'' Don't be a soggy dog sulking in the corner.'' I told him.

'' You should get dressed Molly.'' Simon interrupted, pointing to my towel.

''Nothing I haven't seen before.'' Jake said smirking at me.

'' I'm going to get dressed.'' I said, shoulder barging him on the way.

'' Ouch, for someone who can't shift you sure are strong.'' He joked.  Ignoring the usual pang of pain when hearing people say this I flipped him off, walking back up to my room.

I knew he was only playing, I knew it. But I couldn't stop the tear from running down my cheek as I locked my door behind me.


Hey! thanks for reading, I have never writen a werewolf story before :/

But I thought I'd try something different. I got my fortune told,and it said ' Watch closely in yuor dreams, they hold your answers.' So, I have a dream about werewolves, and I thinking about what I could write and then this happend :) So I hope this story will do okay, you know? Anyway, please vote/comment/fan, it would mean alot :D

~_Daydreamer_ xxxx

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