Chapter eleven

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I'd recommend re-reading chapter ten since I literally haven't updated since,,,,September yikes okay here I am let's go

A few nights later, things are still awkward. Brendon's still mad at me, although he tries to play it off cool. He's completely avoiding Matty all together. Him and Gee switched rooms. I can't sleep. I haven't really since that night. I stare up at the ceiling as Ashley snores from her bed. With a sniffle and a grunt, I get up, shuffling out the door of our room and down the stairs. The door to the studio opens louder than I expected and I freeze. When I don't hear anybody get up, I go down the stairs. I blink as the lights come on. My canvas is under a sheet in the corner. I go over and take it off, just looking at the painting. I've captured his beauty perfectly, I have to admit. I stare at the painting for a moment, tears welling in my eyes. I'm going to lose him over this. My stomach twists, and without thinking, I pick up the canvas and hurl it against the stone wall. It breaks in half. I look at it laying there and sob, sinking to the floor and burying my face in my hands.


"You look like shit." I glare at Ashley. "In a good way, of course."

"You tried, Ash." She laughs and takes a sip of her lemonade. We decided to take some time for ourselves and go to eat at a cafe'.

"I'm serious, Ryan. I think you just need a day to yourself."

"Ash, you know that can't happen."

"Well, why not?" She has a point. There's nothing that's stopping me. I don't answer. "Have you talked to Brendon?" she asks. I feel sick already.


"You should talk to him."

"He just needs some time. Plus if he's done with me over something like this, is he really someone I should be in love with?"

She smiles sadly at me. "You love him?" I swallow and nod, wiping at my eyes. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. Forget I mentioned it."

"It's okay, I guess. You're right, I think I need a day to myself." She nods and motions for the waiter to come over. "We'll just take the check, please." He nods and goes to get it. "Go. I'll pay."


"Ryan. Go." She leans across the table and kisses my cheek. I know there's no point in arguing with her. I walk down the street, hailing a cab. I give him the address and sink quietly into the backseat. We pull up outside of the house a few minutes later. I open the door and sigh deeply, letting it slam shut behind me. There's some shuffling above me. Someone else is home. Why can't I just have some time alone? I go upstairs and look into each bedroom, only to discover they're all empty.

"Hello?" I call out. I go into my room.

"Hey." Brendon's sitting on the floor. In front of him is my painting, a hot glue gun resting on the floor next to him.

"What's this?" I ask, closing the door as I step further into the room.

"I went to get some paints and saw this on the floor. I knew how much time you put into this, and it's just my shitty attitude that ruined it all."


"Just let me talk for a second?" he interrupts. His eyes are wet, so I let him go on. "This picture is amazing, Ryan. Everything about it. You somehow manage to see the best in me in all times. I don't know how you do it." He snickers and clears his throat. He stands up and lifts the painting up, resting it on my bed. "I'm sorry I've been such a shithead. It's okay that you and Matty fucked. I was jealous at first. But then I remembered it was probably just because of me that it happened in the first place. I'm confident enough to be understanding with it." He looks down at the floor. "Can you forgive me?"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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