zach dempsey

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ZACH HAD A CRUSH on you since the eighth grade

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ZACH HAD A CRUSH on you since the eighth grade. Anytime he saw you walking in the halls or sit in one of his classes, his cheeks would flush immediately. All his friends would tease him about it, but not even the slightest of hints or shoving his friends did, would give him the courage to ask you out.

You guys rarely talked, more like you only talked when there was an assignment you missed or the apologies you shared when you accidentally ran into each other.

You were in his gym period with Clay Jensen and Tony Padilla. This was the period you also had Jeff in, but sadly that life was taken for reasons you'll never know of because you knew Jeff would never drive drunk, let alone anyone letting him go out drunk. You decided to sit out through basketball since you weren't very good, and you wanted to change out of your gym clothes.

Clay had decided to join you since he wasn't very good either. He knew you were good friends with Hannah Baker as well as Jeff Atkins, and ever since then, it was rare to see the smile everyone dreads to see. You were never close with Clay, but you always hung around with him and Jeff when they were studying.

He tried cracking some jokes with you, which consisted of:

"My dad tried to trade me for an onion."

"I bleached my asshole today."

That made your laugher ring throughout the gymnasium. Most set of eyes set on the pair sitting on the bleachers. Zach Dempsey frowned as he turned around noticing how Clay managed to make you laugh instead of him cheering you up. He knew you were hurting from the people you've lost, but he never went up to you. Clay was closer to you than he was. It was none of his business to get into, so he never tried to bother with why you were hurting, even though he really knew why. Everyone knew why you were hurting. Everyone knows about everything.

Zach sighed, dropped the basketball, and walked out of the gym, now some sets of eyes diverted to the school's star basketball player walking out of the gymnasium, yours included. You decided to ask to use the restroom to see what happened, being the curious person you are. You walked out by the bathrooms and saw someone sitting on the bench. You knew this was Zach, so you went to sit beside him.

"Hey," you said quietly, afraid to scare him with louder words. He looked up with a single tear. This caught your attention. You hated seeing people upset, obviously ignoring how you still currently felt on the inside. "Why are you crying?"

He didn't answer you, instead he wiped his cheek and got up to go back to the gym. You grabbed his arm, getting up in the process, and hugged him. A hug made you feel better most of the time, so you thought it would cheer his spirits a tad bit. You were fairly tall, so his cheek was placed on the side of your head, you could feel him smile at the sudden gesture.

Zach then frowned knowing you do this to anyone who was having a bad day, even when you weren't feeling it, so he pulled away and started walking away. You then grabbed his arm the second time, him huffing as he turned around.

You then did something you'd never regret, you kissed him.

The second he kissed back, you pulled away and walked back to the doors of the gym. He stood shocked until the question rushing through his mind, found its way to his lips before your feet could touch the gym floors.


"Only an idiot couldn't notice the way you've looked at me since the eighth grade." You chuckled and walked in the gym.

He smiled to himself knowing you had stolen his first kiss and he wasn't ashamed of how it happened either. Little does he know, you had the same thoughts running through your mind.


I know this isn't very good, but i really wanted to make one of my favorite character because he barely did anything on those tapes and from his character's background, he's actually a really sweet, kind-hearted guy. like can i please have a zach dempsey? thanks:) and sorry they kiss so soon not knowing each other, but i thought it was cute so eh :-)

I have a schedule planned out, I'll be posting twice a week, and if not, then i will for sure get to it the next week. but thank you for 1k reads already !! that's amazingggg !! i did not ignore the requests you had for me in the comments, and i did not forget. im currently having those "under construction" and will be posted tonight:)

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