Dealing With Emma

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"Bye, Mum!" Daisy said. It was the day following the visit to Diagon alley, and she was going on another shopping trip. This one was entirely non-magical, and since she already had all her school supplies, was just for the purpose of keeping Emma from getting suspicious, or angry since the two of them always went school shopping together.

The friendship between Daisy and Emma started when the two were given desks next to each other on the first day of primary school. As they got closer and started going to each other's houses, their mom's met, and realized they had been close friends in secondary school, which brought their whole families closer together. There were rarely any secrets between the two girls, and when there were, they were always birthday surprises, or small secrets that lasted little more than a week. The guilt Daisy felt from keeping such a big secret from her best friend was the worst she had ever felt.

Daisy turned away from the car window to face Emma. Emma was looking, a smile playing at the left corner of her mouth. Daisy too had to stop herself from grinning back and causing them to burst out with giggles.

"So, Daisy, how was your summer?" Mrs Taylor asked.

Daisy flinched. She hated being questioned, especially when she was sure that Mrs. Taylor would ask about her new school. "It was great! I really missed Emma though."

"Go anywhere exciting this year?" She said.

"No, my aunt and her family came here for a lot of the summer. She's from America, and it was the first time I had ever met her, or my cousin, Zach." Daisy said. It was probably best to talk about the beginning of summer, not the end of it.

"It's nice you finally got to meet them then," Mrs. Taylor murmured.

"That isn't the cousin that told your parents about your new school, is she?" Emma asked, looking a bit confused. She had never heard about any of Daisy's other family before this summer.

"No, of course not!" Daisy laughed. She hoped that she wouldn't have to answer anymore questions, especially with Mrs. Taylor there. Luckily for her, they arrived at Tesco before she was forced to say anything else.

Emma pulled out a school supply list. "Where's yours?" she asked.

"I, er, forgot it." Daisy said, searching her shoulder bag. Everyone had forgotten about the list in the plan for the cover-up story. "It's probably pretty close to yours though, and I'm sure I can remember any extras."

"Okay then, well let's start with pens and pencils and such," Emma strode purposefully towards the correct aisle. Her mother went off in another direction, telling Emma to find her, or call on the mobile when they were finished.

Once they were alone, they got to filling the cart with various pens, pencils, highlighters, and erasers. It was only when they had finished getting everything they needed for that department that Daisy realized how quiet it was. It was unlike Emma to go without talking when they were together.

"What's wrong Em?" Daisy asked.

Emma looked up, startled. Her eyes drifted away from Daisy's and down to the floor. "I was just curious about your new school. Do you really not want to go to it? Why are they forcing you? Is it something I did?"

"Something you did?" Daisy was shocked. Of all the crazy things to come up with, she thought it was her fault. "I promise, nothing you did caused this, or could change what happened. I have to go, not because I want to, I have to. I'll text you as often as I can and come home every break, I promise."

Emma still looked sad, but there wasn't anything else Daisy could say.

"Well, at least tell me what the place is called. I'll look it up, and maybe I could go there next year," Emma said.

"It's called, um, St. Cecilia's School of Music," It took Daisy a minute to remember the name of her fake school.

Emma was still in front of her, staring at Daisy's flushed face, but she turned away. "If you didn't want to be friends anymore you should've just said so." and she continued gathering binders, and paper.

"I still want to be friends Emma! Forever! Best friends!"

"Then why can't you tell me anything about where you're going? It's not like your family are secret agents or something."

"No, it's just that it's a music and arts school. I got in because of that concert I played in last year, remember? They thought my singing and piccolo skills were exemplary, " Daisy said. She expanded on the music school idea by mentioning her concert. "I had to audition and everything. It's a pretty small school, they don't let many people in each year." Daisy looked at Emma. Her face was somewhat doubtful, but Daisy could tell she was trying to believe her.

"They wouldn't let you in Emma," Daisy pictured all Emma's failed attempts to enter choir and band at school. "You won't be able to apply online either, because all students must audition in person. I'm really sorry." Harry had set up a fake website and email, but Daisy still hoped Emma didn't go that far into her research.

"Okay. I guess I can understand that," Emma said. She let a small smile creep onto her face. "I can only imagine me trying to audition! They'd probably run away or faint from my singing."

The rest of their shopping trip went well, with laughter, and no more arguments.  

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