«What Lurks in Darkness - 1»

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{Start of Story Three: What Lurks in Darkness}

With a flick of my wrist, the flame came alight, dancing on the end of the match. I held it up, illuminating my friend's raven-black hair and brown eyes for a split second before I brought it back down again, setting fire to the fuse. Then I blew out the match and positioned the cannon, turning it ever so slightly on its perch on the rock wall.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yep," replied Jasper.

The shot fired in a blaze of light, sending the ammunition hurtling at the dark landscape below us. For a split second the shadowy depths were illuminated by the fiery explosion. Soon after we heard the sound of impact, a deep tremor in the ground. All around where the canon ball had hit creatures scattered into the night, strange, grotesque shapes with glowing red eyes. I shuddered.

"Damn those things," spat Jasper. "They just keep coming back. "

"Yeah," I agreed, my eyes still trained on the valley below. There was nothing to see but a black expanse, save for the outlines of a few scraggly, leafless trees and the glowing red eyes in the distance.

Jasper sighed, shifting his position on the rocky ground. "I think they're leaving."

"I dunno," I replied as Jasper picked up the dim lantern off the floor and set it on the wall. I finally glanced at him, and he gave me his signature lopsided grin.

"So," he said.

"So?" I said back.

Jasper gave a small laugh and leaned forward, settling down on the wall, leaning on his elbows. I followed suit.

"I'm exhausted," he said. I could see the air cloud with every breath. Tonight was colder than usual.

"Me too," I said, pulling my jacket around myself tighter.

"You cold?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah," I admitted. "It's freezing."

"Want my jacket?"

"Nah," I said, looking away. "You're cold too."

"Oh, c'mon Rydel! You know I'm immune to the cold," joked Jasper with a grin, beginning to shrug off his coat.

"H-hey!" I protested, hitting him playfully in the arm. "Shut up and put your jacket back on."

Jasper only laughed and held it out to me.

"What makes you think I want your smelly coat?" I huffed, grabbing it and throwing it back. We both began to laugh, smothering giggles with gloved hands.

Suddenly we heard footsteps approaching on the gravel path behind us. Jasper and I both snapped to attention, busying ourselves with our posts.

"What are you guys doing?" called a little kid's voice.

"Go away, Sam," Jasper and I said in unison. We glanced at each other, sharing a smile.

"I wanna help," insisted Sam, trudging down to where we were. I turned to face him.

"You're too little," I said, crossing my arms. "Go back."

"I don't want to," replied Sam defiantly.

"Go home or the monsters will eat you," growled Jasper in his deepest voice.

Sam flinched, then seemed to gather his composure again. "I'm not scared of the monsters," he declared.

"Oh, but you should be," hissed Jasper, beckoning Sam to come closer. "They sneak into your house at night, prowling around your bedroom, waiting to pounce. They're the most dangerous thing known to human kind." Jasper placed his hands on Sam's shoulders, leaning over and whispering in his ear. "Your life is completely in their hands."

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