♡Chapter 27♡

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Soo Jin's POV
I was talking with Seolhee & Yana when Hyeri came in the cafeteria while crying she go towards our table and sat down.

"Why are you crying?" Yana asked worriedly. "Nothing, don't worry" Hyeri said while wiping her tears using a her thumbs. "We are worried!" Yana shouted which made the people in the cafeteria look at us. "Sorry" Yana did a peace (✌) sign. Hyeri smiled at Yana.

"Just tell us" I begged. "Ok, I saw Hoseok and......h-he lend me his jacket" Hyeri stopped.
"Then...." Yana said asking Hyeri to continue.
"Then I threw his jacket right at his face!" Hyeri said madly.

"What?! Why?! you should haven't done that! You're lucky because someone in BTS likes you. Unlike me." Yana said while looking down.
"Why? What about Taehyung? he likes you, right?" I asked.
"Whatever, let's not talk about that anymore. So....why are you mad at Hoseok?" Yana asked Hyeri.
"He broke my heart and it's enough I don't want to be hurt again." Hyeri said calmly. "Why not forgive him?, forgive while you are given a chance to, because if you didn't use the chance wisely, you might regret it in the end." I adviced.

"In other words forgive him while there's still time" I clarified it.
"Maybe....you're right....I better go to him and apologize to him." Hyeri said while standing up.

Hyeri's POV
I tried to find Hoseok everywhere but still I couldn't find him so I go to the place where we met a while ago.


I saw him sitting down looking at a picture. I ran near him and sat down beside him. I looked at the picture and it was the two of us when it was graduation.

"I look good in there." I smiled. He looked at me while crying. "I'm sorry" Hoseok said. He stood up and was about to go but I grabbed his wrist and stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.
"If you want me to stay away from you then i'll do it as long as it makes you happy."
"No...it will make me miserable. I will not be happy without you." I cupped his cheeks and kissed him on the lips. "I need you" I smiled.


Soo Jin's POV
I woke up and got ready for work again.


When I arrived at work, I went to the office of Mr. Jeon and I was expecting for him not to be here this early but he was.

He was crying. "Morning Mr. Jeon" I smiled at him. He rushed to the washroom inside his office when he saw me.


It has been minutes he wasn't out from the washroom yet so I knocked on the door.

"Mr. Jeon are you okay there?" I asked through the door but still no answer so I put my ear closer to the washroom door and I heard him shouting and crying.

"I want her!, why do I have to be so cruel to her?!, why am I like this?!"
He shouted it was silence then I heard the door unlocking so I moved away and tried to act like I'm busy.

He came out with a swollen eyes from crying he go towards me so I looked at him with a confused look.

"Don't talk and just hug me." He said and hugged me before I can ask why. He hugged me tightly while I just stand there not knowing what to do.

I missed him so much. If only we could be together again but no....we already broke up. I want to hug him back too.

So I hugged him back tightly too.

He let go from the hug. "Go back to work." He said coldly. I followed what he said and we started to work quietly the whole day.


It was home time I was about to go out of the office but Mr. Jeon called me.

"What is it, Mr. Jeon?" I asked.
"So the BTS members are going to have a trip to Haeundae beach in Busan and I was just wondering if you and your friends want to come too since it's our summer vacation for 1 month. Don't worry you could bring Hana with you too. So...are you going or not?"
"Sure!" I said happily.
"We will be going there next week"
"Yes, sir" I said then go home.

1 week later

"Guys, are you ready?" I asked Hyeri, Yana & Seolhee because the BTS will fetch us at my house to go to the airport. Hana did not want to join because she has many things to do at home and she doesn't like going on a trip.

After an hour, we heard someone knocked on the door and when I opened it, Sarang hugged me right away. "Is Hana going too?" She asked. "No, she has many things to do." I explained. She pouted then smiled.

Hoseok helped Hyeri while Jin helped Seolhee and Taehyung helped Yana. When Taehyung helped Yana, Yana looked kind of sad.

Jungkook looked at me looking at Yana and Taehyung, he smiled and helped me carry my bag too.


After a long trip, we finally arrived. I got out of the car and ran to the beach.

"Yah! Soo Jin! You might fall down!" Jungkook shouted from a far. I ignored him and continued running around. I was running around when I suddenly stepped on something and fell down. My head hit a rock and everything went black all I could hear was my name being called.

"Soo Jin!!!"
"Wake up!!!"

I woke up on a bed. I tried to sit down on the bed but I was really feeling dizzy.

"Yah! Soo Jin! Don't try to sit just rest and stay still" Jimin said while sitting on the bed.
"But I want to go outside please~" I pleaded. "Well....I don't know if your allowed." "Ok fine, I'm allowing you" He sigh.

I stood up and fell on his arms right away. "See, I told you" He helped me sit down on the bed and gave me water. After I drink the water I put it on the lamp table beside the bed. I sat down for a while for me to cool off from my dizziness.

After sitting down, I tried to stand up while holding onto Jimin and he helped me go down. When we go down already, I saw Jungkook sitting on the sofa while staring at us and the others came to help me walk to the sofa and Sarang wasn't around, I guess she is sleeping.

I sat down on the sofa beside Jungkook.

"Are you okay now?" Jin asked. "A little bit, I feel better." I smiled. Jin looked at Jungkook and the others. "Uhmm....stay here first were just gonna go to the beach." Jin waved. "Jungkook...stay with Soo Jin and take care of her." Jin added and they left the two of us.

"I'm really sorry I didn't listen to you" I held Jungkook's hand that was rested on his lap. He sighed.
"You should have listen to me! See what happened because of your stubborness!" He said calmly but with a mad tone.

He stood up and go upstairs and go to his room.

Jungkook's POV
When I go inside my room. I punched the wall really hard that my hand bleeded.

I cried again because of her.

"I shouldn't haven't done that!" I said in fustration.

I am already used to being like this, everytime I said something bad to her or when I get mad at her.



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