short story #3 - art class [jimin]

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requested by calizta_koh
genre: half-fluff, idk what's the other half tho maybe angst? soz haha

jungkook was a very well-known and popular boy in school for his singing, dancing and artworks. he is also a good runner, and is very fit. he goes to the school gym almost three times a week after school hours, and many girls have chased after him. confessions and love letters flood his life, but he has never accepted one.

that day was the day the kpop idol that had just debuted, park jimin, transfer to his school. him and jungkook had been close childhood friends since 5, and they had never lost contact. jungkook was anticipating jimin's arrival, and was standing at the school's parking lot, waiting for jimin's shiny black van to show up.

many fangirls were also standing with him, holding up pictures of jimin, and finally, when his van arrived, the swarm of girls ran towards it, and one almost got hit by the vehicle, until the security had to come and disperse the crowd. jungkook ran over to the alighting jimin, and they hugged like there's no tomorrow.

jungkook showed jimin to his first class, which in coincidence was also his first class, which is the art class. both of them had to bow and wave to everyone gawking at them while walking through the crowded hallways.

on the other hand, chae rin, the second best in art class, was perched on her chair, setting up her materials. she had heard of the transfer student, and she wasn't that much hyped about it. yes, she was a fan of him, too, but she doesn't like to show her emotions in school. she's kind of the girl who is lonely, quiet and unfriendly.

the bell rang, and students started to pile into the art room. screams could be heard as the two boys entered the room. two of their art teachers had to shoo students off to their classes, and only after 10 minutes, the crowd had died down and the class was in silence. seems like the kindest art teacher in the school had yelled at them.

jimin introduced himself infront, and the girls couldn't help but to scream and giggle everytime he made a gesture towards them.

"all my fans, please raise your hands! yeah!" jimin said, and almost all the girls raised up their hands, except for chae rin. she wanted to so badly, but she couldn't. had to maintain her image of cold city girl, so she just stared straight at him. he looked at her too, and their eyes met.

he returned to his seat, which was coincidently beside chae rin's. "hey, uh, what's your name? you didn't raise up your hand just now," he asked, expecting an answer from her, but she remained silent. instead, she wrote on a piece of paper, "chae rin. i'm a fan of yours too." jimin read it, and wrote back a reply, "you can't talk? and glad to know you're my fan, too." chae rin read it, and smirked.

"no, i'm not mute. i'm not confident about my voice." "awe, don't be. i'm sure it's not as bad as you think it is. why not we go to lunch together. then we can hear you talk." "we? who's the other guy?" "jungkook, if you're comfortable with his presence." chae rin panicked. she never knew jungkook that well, much less talked to him. she wasn't willing to reveal her voice to two guys she barely knew.


it was lunch time, right after a long two hour art class and a two hour design and technology class. jimin literally dragged chae rin along with him, and she tried to shout for him to let go, but since there was a crowd, she decided not to.

he dragged her to the back of the school, where no one ever goes because it's 'haunted'.

"so, you're going to introduce yourself," jimin said, standing in front of her, arms crossed on his chest. "n-no," she whispered, but he heard it, and he thought that it was too rough and deep for a girl.

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