We can do this!

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Scott POV'S

We are all handcuffed in a room filled with screen shots. We all woke up around at the same time. We're all panicking and I do not do what to do so we force ourselves and fought another nasty person, but now all this goes beyond. Nois peppers no longer fighting.
I hope that Kira is doing well and Malia too I do not want to lose any other member of my pack. But when I think of it there are strong girls. They will get out of it (I hope).
Jason comes in and talks us one by one. After a moment of silence, jason points Lydia and a herd takes her by the arm. She tried to argue, but without success. I see stiles and liam saffoler, me too since Lydia is fragile (I know she became a bad ass with parish that he taught her to fight, but there is different.) Too late they have it Taken! "C'mon!" I said to see high

Liam: "it's the k scott, she's going to be fine, she can take care of herself."
Me: "no, this time it's different Liam. "I said seriously."we can't win this!"
Stiles: "what did you say?" I said and look at me in my face."no scott. We going to survive to this. We all ways did! You are an alpha... a true alpha. Scott, just look in front of you not back. You are stronger then that! We survive to all more worst thing. You can do it bro. We can all do it!"
Liam:" he's right gets your little ass up and fight."
Stiles:"I don't won't to said that you have no choice Liam, but you to you are a werewolf . So get up to!"
Me:" we are going to fight, we are going to get out of here and saves our girls."
Stiles:"let's do this man!"

Me and Liam try to escape our hands but it's pretty much hard.

Lydia POV'S

After they took me, they put me in a room with two chairs and a table in the middle. So I sit and wait for the door opens so I can go find my friends but a part of me say:"you can't win." So I just wait to someone show up. A moment later, the door opens a get up and Jason said me to sit. A did. He take the chair in front of me.

Jason:" so now we can talk for real." I said nothing."you know, we doing this a good goal."
Me:"yeah....by taken their blood? Good job, really.
Jason:"you are going to be on our side because you have no choice our we are going to kill your family and all your friends family too. Your choice little girl." He say with a smirk in is face. Honestly a hate is face! He is so.....wrong a mine c'mon why they do this, in this way!
Jason:"right now I'm going to show you somethings and you are going to change your mine." He said carefully and seriously.
We get up and walk and walk before past a door and said:"I wont see my friends now. All of it.....please."
Maybe if a look gentle I can win this.

Jason:" for now, we have to be concentrate."he was not looking at me when I say that, well it's not a problem because his face.... not so beautiful.

We cross the door and now I understand....I think.
All this his really a cure.( ok, I'm not against a cure but they way to find one....I hate it, for sure)a really hate them (very hate much) when a say....

Malia POV'S

I woke up Kira and seems more horrified then me.
I just turn around and get cold easily."where are you?!"I say panicked."I don't understand what appended?!" Kira said. All we do it's look around and really panicked. I can say how a feel. It's a horrible felling!"OMG!"I say."Kira LOOK."

All we see it's a "désastreux". It's just sand sun( I am freezing, so tell me the logic here!). All house or buildings are in front of us( probably km.... never mind.) just down. And now a remember the WICKED and the blood they transferred in us. WAIT!"Kira you remember right!?"

Kira:"remember what?!"
Me:"well the WICKED, blood transferred in us!"
Kira:"yeah a remember!, and I...well it's pretty sure...."
Me:"pretty sure what?!" I said impressed to find out.
Kira:"well...I don't know if it's true...."
Me:"OMG, c'mon Kira!"
Me:"WHAT?!"that's not possible.
Kira:"look, it's all make since! Blood transferred and Lydia and us kidnappés!"
Me:"yeah! But she can be alone right now they put her in a room with..."and now it's a Blake.
Kira:"with who? Right?"
Me:"yeah... I don't....know..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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