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Oh dear

Dan sighed. Out of all the wonderful toys in the store Phil had chosen the biggest, most expensive and most impractical toy there.

A big trampoline.

Before Dan could even try to protest Phil was tugging him over to the trampoline, squealing excitedly.

Dan looked around, nervous of attracting any unwelcome attention to his little boy. Fortunately the store was quiet and there was no one nearby.

"I want it! I want it daddy!" Phil shouted, and then remembering his manners, "pwease may I haf it daddy?" looking up at his daddy hopefully.

Dan sighed, this wasn't the sort of thing he had planned to be buying for Phil, but he had promised him one toy of his choice, and looking at his baby's adorable face he didn't have the heart to say no.

"Sure you can, babe" he said, stumbling back as Phil jumped on him hugging him tightly.


Dan chuckled, ruffling up Phil's hair. A staff member had looked over at Phil's shout however she smiled kindly at Dan so Dan beckoned her over and asking for help to get the trampoline (in a box) into the back of his car.

She happily complied, carrying the box out to the car with Dan, whilst Phil 'tried' to help whilst skipping and hopping about.

Throughout the car journey on the way home Phil could not stop singing and shouting with excitement, "CWOCKYDILE I GET TWAMPLINE!!" throwing his cuddly crocodile in the air and then catching it again.

Phil clapped his hands excitedly bouncing up and down in his seat. Dan was watched him through the mirror. He chuckled, shaking his head at his adorable but crazy little boy.

Unfortunately an hour later the scene was not quite so jolly.

Dan had been trying to assemble the trampoline for over 40 minutes without much success. Whenever he thought he was getting somewhere Phil would run over and try his very best to help his daddy.

However Phil's help did not have the hoped for effect as several times the bars fell apart when Phil tried to move them into what he thought was the correct position.
Dan groaned loudly after this happened a fourth time, trying not to show his frustration towards Phil.

Although Dan was tempted to tie Phil up out of the way he tried to stay calm with his annoying little baby.

Eventually after at least 4 hours the trampoline had been assembled.

Phil was on the trampoline before Dan had finished tying the last knot of the netting, designed to make sure Phil didn't go flying off the trampoline onto the hard ground below.

"I'M JUMPING DADDY I'M FWING, HOORAY" Phil shouted with happiness.

And then the trampoline collapsed.

Dan yelled in exhaustion as he began to try and untangle a screaming, hysterical Phil from the netting, poles and springs that Phil was stuck in.

Dan was dizzy with exhaustion however and all of his efforts to free Phil only seemed to make it worse.

"DADDY HELP ME," Phil screamed his backside burning from the deep impact with the ground and the stress of being trapped in a tangled mesh of netting.

"HELPPPP," Phil sobbed, snot pouring out of his nose as he choked on his sobs and tried desperately to tear at the netting, to no avail.

By the time Dan had managed to drag Phil out from the wreck, both his and Phil's hands were bleeding and Phil was screaming bloody murder.

All Dan wanted to do was throw Phil back into the wreck of the trampoline, however he took a deep breathe, picked up Phil, and carried him back to the house.

After he had washed both of their hands and wrapped bandages around Phil's hands, which cheered Phil up a little as he imagined they were boxing gloves, Dan felt less like shooting himself.

Whilst Phil cuddled up with his blankie and lion stuffie watching Peppa Pig, Dan prepared some macaroni cheese (Phil's favourite) for their dinner.

Dan wiped the sweat off his brow, deciding to take the remains of the trampoline to the dump tomorrow morning and never go near a trampoline again.

I never intended to write more than one chapter of this fic but because of popular demand I've continued writing it. So please don't get mad at me for not updating in ages. Thank you for all the reads and likes and comments tho !!

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