Daddy Phil?

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Prompt - can you do a top Phil?
As this fanfic is a top Dan I didn't want to do that however it gave me this idea.

"Wets pway daddy and baby," said Phil gleefully pulling his daddy over to his toy chest.

"You can be the baby, daddy," Phil informed Dan, a serious look on his face as he rummaged through the box before pulling out a princess bib, some fake baby food, and a plastic spoon.

"Okay baby," said Dan smiling, he had the cutest little boy ever !!

Phil sighed, rolling his eyes in an over exaggerated way, "I'm not a baby, I'm your daddy," he said trying to make his voice as grown up as possible.

"Oh yeah, sorry Daddy Phil," said Dan biting his lip as he tried not to laugh at his serious looking baby.

"You mwust be hungy, baby," said Phil to his 'baby'

"Yes pwease," said Dan playing along with Phil.

"Come here ven baby," said Phil sitting down on the beanbag and patting his knee.

Dan sat down awkwardly, trying not to squash Phil and his frail frame.

"Open wide," said Phil as he pretended to put some baby food on the spoon. And then dramatically trying to fly the spoon into his 'baby's' mouth something which his daddy did often and it made him laugh !!

Unfortunately Phil's coordination wasn't great and he ended up hitting his daddy on the nose with the spoon.  

'Ouch,' said Dan pouting as he rubbed his nose.

"Sowwie daddy," said Phil giggling slightly.

With a look of great concentration on his face, which Dan found incredibly endearing, Phil managed to feed Dan the pot of baby food. Dan was playing along greatly the whole time, making exaggerated movements as he pretended to eat and enjoy it. This made Phil think he was a really good Daddy. He was very proud of himself !

Dan was hoping this game might get him an excuse to have a quick nap. He loved Phil but looking after him all the time became tiring quickly as he needed almost constant attention.

Dan let out a loud fake yawn before saying, "I'm tired, daddy,"

"Go to sleep then, danny" instructed Phil, proud of himself for coming up with such a clever solution.

They went into Dan's bedroom and Dan lay down contentedly on the bed with Phil sat cross legged next to him, staring at his daddy thoughtfully. 

"I'll sing to you!" said Phil joyfully, certain this would help his daddy sleep.

Dan sighed into the pillow, knowing he was definitely not going to be sleeping now.

"TWINKLE INKLE WITTLE SAR" Phil sang out, to himself sounding like an angel. Unfortunately he sounded more like a shrieking banshee.

"HOW I WONVER WAT YEW ARE" Phil's horrific voice droned on and on, accompanied by his adorable facial expressions as he tried hard to sing beautifully and help his daddy sleep.

After an hour of Phil's singing, Dan now had a piercing headache and ringing ears, he vowed it would never be a good idea to play 'daddy and baby' with Phil again.

Thank you for your ideas I'm going to do them as quickly as possible. Please keep them coming.

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