Sick baby

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One where Phil is sick and Dan has to take care of him?

"Dada," whimpered Phil his voice coming out croaky and almost non existent. He felt terrible. He must be dying. His nose felt blocked, his throat hurt and he felt sick.

In a desperate attempt to remove the blockage from his nose Phil stuck his fingers up his nose, pulling them out only to find them covered in green slime. Normally he would have found his funny, but now Phil felt so terrible all he could do was let out a muffled sob.

He wiped his snotty fingers on his bed sheets before attempting to sit up. As soon as he tried this, a wave of dizziness overcame him, and he clutched his sore tummy as he felt the horrible feeling of vomit rising at the back of his throat.

Before he could cry out Phil was gagging and throwing up, vomit covering himself and his bedsheets. He began to cry unstoppably, pausing only to be sick and to gasp for breath.

This was what it was like to die, Phil though sadly, trying his best to find his lion stuffie which might offer him some comfort.

Oh he wanted to see his Daddy at least before he died.

As if aware of Phil's thoughts, the light switched on and there stood Dan looking tired and slightly bewildered.

He blinked twice thinking he might be imagining this unpleasant sight, but quickly came to, rushing towards his vomit covered baby.

He picked up Phil, bringing him over the bars of his crib before cradling him carefully.

Phil clutched onto him, still sobbing quietly. He was so glad his daddy was here. His daddy could always make thing better.

"Are you sicky baby," cooed Dan stroking Phil's sweaty hair.

Phil only nodded woefully, clutching his fists tightly into Dan's t-shirt.

"Come on, let's make you a nice cool bath to bring your temperature down, how does that sound sweetheart?" said Dan stroking Phil's sweaty forehead.

Phil just shrugged his shoulders sadly so Dan took this as acceptance and carried him into the bathroom.

Once there, he turned on the taps and poured in a slightly excessive amount of bubbles in the hope this might cheer up Phil a little.

Whilst the bath was filling up, Dan stripped Phil of his wet, sticky clothes leaving him in just his nappy. He untaped it only to be met with the disgusting sight of a nappy overflowing with diarrhoea. He quickly wrapped up the nappy stuffing it in a nappy bag before grabbing a wad of toilet roll and beginning the difficult task of cleaning the worst of the mess off of Phil's little bottom. At least this wasn't quite as bad as the last diarrhoea incident !! Poor Phil was however extremely distressed, the cold air making him shiver and bringing attention to his sick and diarrhoea covered body.

Once Dan had cleaned Phil off as much as possible, he hoisted him up from under Phil's arms and transferring him into the bath.

Phil shivered a little in the cold water, his facial expression becoming even more distraught.
He liked the bubbles though. Phil slowly picked up a handful of bubbles before letting out a half hearted blow. The bubbles flew off into the air making Phil giggle.

Smiling warmly at Phil, Dan grabbed a flannel and began carefully and thoroughly cleaning Phil.

As Phil was sadly not his normal, wriggling, happy self it didn't take long for Dan to wipe him down.

Once Phil was as clean as a whistle, Dan removed him from the bath, wrapping him up in a fluffy blue towel. He carried him into the nursery, placing him comfortably down on a beanbag, before grabbing lion from the floor and giving him to Phil, who hugged him tightly.

Dan quickly stripped the dirty sheets from the bed, stuffing them into the washing basket. He then rushed to the kitchen, washing his hands thoroughly and then preparing a bottle of milk for Phil and mixing in some medicine as well.

He shook it up thoroughly as he walked back to Phil's nursery. Upon entering, Dan was extremely relieved that Phil hadn't thrown up again, but instead appeared to be in a quiet conversation with 'Lion'.

"You okay, baby?" said Dan smiling fondly at his little boy who blushed hugging his lion tightly.

"Wion said I no die cause doctor daddy wook arfer me," said Phil clearly in a younger headspace now.

"Well Lion is exactly right," smiled Dan picking up Phil and placing him on his lap. He placed the bottle in Phil's mouth who began sucking down hungrily, his tummy completely empty due to throwing up. As his sucking slowed down a little Phil's eyes began to droop shut and soon he was fast asleep letting out little content snores.
Dan carefully carried Phil to the changing table, placing a nappy on him and a thin t-shirt before carrying him and lion, who Phil still had a tight grip on, into his bedroom, tucking them into bed and placing a kiss onto Phil's forehead.

I hope this is okay !!

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