No school for Phil

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Prompt - Phil wants to go to school but Dan won't let him because he doesn't want him to get hurt so Phil runs to his room and locks himself in.

"Daddy, cause I'm a big boy now, can I go to school?" said Phil looking up at Dan hopefully.

Dan sighed, unsure how to explain to Phil that a 28 year old wouldn't be allowed in school, even if he was in a headspace of around 3.

"I'm sorry Phil, you're not allowed."

Phil's face was absolutely heartbreaking so Dan as quickly as possible added on, "we could play schools at home though, bubba"

Phil, however was shaking his head sorrowfully, tears welling up in his beautiful blue eyes as his lip trembled.

"wanna go to big school," whimpered Phil quietly, his voice breaking as he tried his best not to cry, because crying was what babies did, and Phil wasn't a baby he was a big boy.

"You can't sweetheart, I'm sorry," said Dan his face falling sadly because of his upset little boy.

Phil was so innocent and fragile, Dan thought. Also when he was in his headspace his mind worked as a 3 year old so he tended to be vulnerable and stupid.

As if to prove the point, Phil who was desperately trying to get out of his high chair so he could run to his room and cry, flung himself from side to side trying to break out.

In what seemed like slow motion, the high chair tipped to one side, then the other, and then finally tipped over sideways landing with a thud on the ground.

Too stunned to cry out, Phil had clutched desperately onto the high chair as it fell. As the floor was soft and carpeted Phil was uninjured apart from a few bumps and bruises.

However, he felt even more embarrassed now. His daddy didn't think he was big enough to go to school. And then he had gone and fallen out of his high chair. He really was a stupid baby. He didn't deserve his daddy.

With these thoughts in mind, Phil managed to wriggle out of his high chair, before running as fast as his little, clumsy legs could go into his nursery where he lay on his stomach and hid under his crib, his body shaking and heaving as he tried to keep his crying silent.

Dan was still trying to gather his thoughts in the kitchen. Everything had happened so quickly. His immediate thoughts were of Phil and so he rushed out the room, grabbing Phil's lion stuffie and his pale blue blanket from the table, two items which Phil carried around almost everywhere.

Although Phil had hidden himself under his cot, the hiccuped sobs that he couldn't keep in easily gave away his location to Dan.

Dan hurriedly lay down on the floor so he could see Phil, who was curled up under his crib, his hands covering his face as he cried into them.

"Stupid Phil, stupid," muttered Phil angrily to himself, hitting himself in the face before continuing to cry, although slightly louder now.

"Oh, baby. You're not stupid sweetheart,"

"'M NOT a baby vough!" shouted Phil at his daddy and then instantly regretting it because it was naughty to shout at his daddy.

He burst into loud unstoppable tears.

"I want to be good, daddy," wept Phil desperately, "I want to be your clever big boy, 'm sorry daddyy, 'm sorry," he stuttered.

"Listen to me Phil," said Dan lying on the floor so he could see Phil clearly. "You are good, Phil. You're perfect, in fact. You're my clever, sweet little boy. Well you're a big boy really, but you're my little boy," said Dan kindly reaching out and caressing Phil's cheek.

He had clearly said the right thing because Phil's sobs turned into sniffles and he gave his daddy a small smile.

"I love you, daddy"

"I love you too, baby. So so much, c'mere bub," said Dan sitting up and opening his arms up wide.

Phil needed no more invitation, crawling out from under his bed and launching himself into his daddy's arms.

"Don't want school, just want you daddy," said Phil cuddling up to his daddy as close as possible and giving him the biggest bear hug possible. He loved his daddy so much.

Please like and comment, it makes me really happy whenever anyone comments saying they like my story !

I hope everyone has a great summer holiday :)

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