Backstory pt.1

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Well hello there, it's been a while...
I can explain: You know that thing when you have everything in your own little universe in your head? Well writing a story explaing all that is pretty hard! (hence the long break amongst other things ) So I've decided to share my universe in another way because I'm feeling the need to let people in on it so you can better understand the one shots so here we go! I'm doing this in 2 parts, ("Before" and "After" the series) so if background is what you're looking for then strap up!

P.s.: Please don't shoot me if I get things wrong, I tried okay? :3



It all started when she was 15.

Isabella Sofia Catalina Hernandez was a Freshman.

-Her and her family are Hispanic immigrants. She moved to America when she was 5 with her younger brother, parents and some of her extended family. She was gifted in engineering.

-Her beauty and skills attracted him to her.

-Jonathan Claw was in his before last class of High school (18/19) He was homeschooled till high school.

- He is Dr.Claw's younger bro, he is the cunning, sneaky evil one. He mostly works behind-the-scenes.

- Like everyone else in the family wasn't very loving. Only has loyalty to the family.

- HQ don't know that if a MAD plan works you can be almost 100 percent be sure he was behind it.

- He uses the cover of Dr.Claw and either acts like he's a goon or he gets other people to do his dirty work.

- She didn't know about MAD.

-They were boyfriend and girlfriend, she dropped her guard and ended up pregnant at 17/18 just after she finished school.

-J.Claw proposed to marry her if she agreed to live and work with him.

-She agreed and they got married quickly.

-When she moved in with him, little by little she saw less of her family and they weren't too sure about him.

-When Talon was born she then fully realized what she was now a part of and she realized that she was at her husband's mercy.

-Isabella decided that she wasn't going to let her son become a heartless monster so she showed him how to care and protected him from the Claw family as much as she could.

-She begged Jonathan to let Talon go to normal school on the premise that he could better comprehend how to overpower civilians if he knew how they worked.

-She was watched everytime she went out with him to make sure she didn't runaway with the little heir.

-One day when he was 8, she dropped Talon off at school with the intention of picking him up and trying to go to her family home and calling the police on her husband. She hadn't seen her parents in a year so he granted her permission.

-She knew it was risky like all the other times she times she had tried, failed and got punished for it, but she was willing to try anything for Talon.

-She managed to get her mother to arrange for a lawyer but when she returned to pick him up at school she heard that Talon had already been picked up by his Dad an hour ago.

-Panicked she returned to her husband's house only to find that the home and MAD branch had been moved and they took Talon leaving behind only her belongings, a drawing Talon had made and a picture of him with her minus proof of anything to do with MAD.

-Isabella reported his abduction but it was like they had dropped off of the face of the earth.

- (They had moved to Canada and stayed in a secret MAD location )

-She moved to her mother's home and the whole family started intense searches for Talon. For years they looked and found nothing. Apart from Dr.Claw's schemes there was nothing about Jonathan and Talon.


-Since that day he was taken away he never stopped wondering where was his mum and missed her.

-His father told him that she ran away and abandoned them.

-Talon was home schooled after they moved until he went to live with Dr.Claw. The teachers were mean.

-Jonathan Claw realised that Talon had his mother's engineering talent so started using him to make small things for MAD when he was 11.

-The only person that treated him with slight fairness was Grandma Claw simply because he was the only heir.

-The rest of his upbringing was built on pleasing his father and family but he kept what his mother had taught him and stayed different.

-Because he was different he got lots mild abuse (verbal, physical and sometimes mental).

-After Dr.Claw was defeated, Talon's grandma proposed that Talon go work with Dr.Claw to help and understand how to be a leader. Jonathan agreed because he was working on a "big project" and it would be a good experience for him so he left.

-Talon decided to himself that this was his chance to show his family that he was capable.

- He saved his uncle and meets Penny...

And here's where my imagination meets the series! Part 2 coming up soon! Don't forget to comment and vote 😉

****************And here's where my imagination meets the series! Part 2 coming up soon! Don't forget to comment and vote 😉

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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