Chapter 2

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A loud crash sounded in the trashed apartment, the annoying sound of the damned alarm clock stopping as it broke on impact. A sigh of content then broke out in the room, the body under the blankets snuggling even deeper into the cozy heat.

However, the person couldn't even shut his eyes again when the door to his room slammed open, the shout of a hyper best friend ruining all hopes of going back to DreamLand.

"EREN!! Get up! Get up! We gotta get going! Today is a BIG day!!"

"Armin! Shut the fuck up dude!!"

Eren grabbed a pillow before blindly flinging it in the direction of Armin's voice, getting even more annoyed when he heard his friends' giggles.

"Oh come one Eren! Today is the day where you--!"

"Go back to sleep.."

Eren mumbled with Armin sighing hard.

"No Eren. Where you get a job..?"

Oh yeah. Being a broke 23 year old college student that was recently fired from the cafe down the street, Eren needed a job fast. He remembers that last week he had told Armin of his situation while eating cup noodles like always, when the blond coconut had told him he would see what he could do.

"I mean, you didn't forget about my promise to you, did you?"

Being completely honest here, Eren forgot he was even fired from the cafe.

Groggily, the male rose up from the bed and rubbed his eyes while yawning and stretching. With the cover slipping off of his shoulders, it revealed caramel colored shoulders along with a neck that was covered in various love bites and hickies. Hearing a whistle, Eren turned a stared at Armin with a look that just screamed his amusement level. Which was a five out of a hundred.

"Looks like you and Reiner had some fun last night!"

Armin commented while trying to hold back a laugh. Eren just stared at him groggily before he realized he had to get ready, his eyes widening.

"Yeah yeah shut up...oh crap! When do we leave?"

Looking down as Eren fumbled to get out of bed, Armin read his watch.

"It's 8:40 five minutes!"

"What! Why didn't you wake me up before?!"

Armin gave him a are-you-serious look as he watched his best friend sniff various clothes before shrugging and putting them on.

"I did. I had slammed your door open at least fifteen times before you woke should brush your teeth by the way..and put on some deodorant.."

Armin supplied as him when he saw Eren looking around for his bag. He watched as the brunet left with a groan to the bathroom to freshen himself up. It was a bit before Eren walked out, his once tangled shoulder length chocolate brown hair now straight and soft, courtesy of his brush that was gifted by his mom.

Grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, Eren made sure to check for his keys, wallet, and everything before turning to Armin and nodding.

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